SLACK, James R.

Date of birth:  14 Sep 1845
Date of death: 4 Jan 1891

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, February 6, 1891,
Volume XXXI Number 33, page 1 column 5


For the Democrat.


James R. Slack was born September 14th, 1845 and died January 4th, 1891. He leaves a kind and affectionate wife, four brothers and two sisters to mourn the loss of a loving husband and kind brother. He was married to Sarah Jane Linton January 18th, 1866. The Lord blessed them with four children. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken them away. He united with the Separate Baptist church at Lick Spring, January 1876; was ordained a deacon about the year 1880 in which position he re­mained until his death. November 25th, 1881, he was stricken down with a dreadful disease from which he never recovered, and for three years his suffering was terrible. Death, sometimes seeming so generous and merciful, followed not at once the cold and cruel blow. Had it done so the character of our brother, James R. Slack, would not have been left in all its perfect fullness, an imperishable legacy to mankind. In view of this one instance alone how wonderfully striking are the lines of Cowper’s sublime hymn:

“God moves in a mysterious way—
His wonders to perform.”

How was it with him through all those days and weeks of suffering? He alone was calm, peaceful and uncom­plaining. No sign of faltering in faith or courage; no word of censure against anyone. Mankind has witnessed many scenes of personal grandeur and sub­limity in suffering, anguish and death but the uncomplaining patience of his last hours is without a parallel in the annals of the world. But the tomb and the darkness are not for his undying spirit. He rises from the one to ever­lasting life. He passes from the other into the glories of paradise. What then, brethren, can we do in this over­whelming event? Only this: Let us imi­tate him in his virtuous conduct, his unfeigned piety to his God and his inflexible fidelity to his trusts, that like him we may welcome the grim tyrant, Death, and receive him as a kind mes­senger sent by our Supreme Grand Master to translate us from this im­perfect to that all perfect, glorious and celestial lodge above, where the Sup­reme Architect of the universe presides.

A Friend.


Link to James R. Slack’s grave

Submitted by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry