SHUCK, Samuel N.

Date of birth:  1849
Date of death:24 Feb 1896 – Johnson County, Indiana

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, February 28, 1896
Volume XXXVI Number 33, page 3 column 6


Death of Samuel N. Shuck.

Samuel N. Shuck died at his home in Union township, Monday night about 12 o’clock, of typhoid fever. He was first taken three weeks ago with pneu­monia which afterwards developed into typhoid fever. Deceased was the son of W. T. Shuck of this city, and was a man of the most upright character. He was a prosperous and industrious citizen and at the time of his death was in the prime of life. He leaves a wife and six children—one son and five daughters. The eldest, Miss Gertrude Shuck, is at present one of Johnson county’s suc­cessful young teachers.

The funeral services were held yes­terday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock at Shi­loh Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. J. H. Bright, of Hopewell.


Link to Samuel N. Shuck’s grave

Submitted by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry