SHIREY, Anna Florence (McCaslin)

Date of birth:  22 Sep 1861 – Johnson County, Indiana
Date of death: 29 Jul 1890 – Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, August 1, 1890,
Volume XXXI Number 6, page 3 column 1


Mrs. Florence Shirey (nee McCaslin) died at her home in Cincinnati on Tuesday, after an illness of about two weeks of typhoid fever. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wasson [sic] McCaslin residing southwest of this city, and was married to Rev. Chas. O. Shirey, May 15th last. The remains were brought to the city on Wednesday evening. The funeral will take place this morning.


The Franklin Republican, Friday, August 1, 1890
Volume 46 Number 31, page 1 column 6


Death of a Good Woman

Mrs. Florence McCaslin Shirey, wife of Rev. Charles O. Shirey, died at her home in Cincinnati, at noon on Tuesday last. Two weeks before, she was taken with a fever which developed into typhoid of a malignant type. On last Friday the news of Mrs. Shirey’s ser­ious illness reached this city. Her parents and other relatives were sum­moned to her bedside and every thing which loving hands, directed by med­ical skill could accomplish was done. But all was of no avail to bring back to health her who gave so much promise to do good in the world.

It is peculiarly sad that the young who are just entering the active duties of life should be stricken down–always sad. But the death of Mrs. Shirey brings with it a stroke of peculiar sadness.

Only a few weeks ago, May 15, 1890, Florence McCaslin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wosson McCaslin, three miles south-west of this city, was happily married to Charles O. Shirey, a young man just entering the ministry of the Presbyterian church. They went to Cincinnati where Rev. Shirey had charge of a church. Little was it thought at that time by her friends that they were saying good bye forever.

On Wednesday afternoon the remains were brought to this city and taken to the residence of the grief stricken par­ents. The funeral services will occur this forenoon at the Presbyterian church, this city, at 9:30 o’clock, con­ducted by Rev. Leon P. Marshall.

Mrs. Shirey was well known in the city and county as a most intelligent lady. For several years she taught in the schools of Franklin Township, and with marked success. To fit herself intel­lectually for life’s work she had been a student at Hanover college and at Ox­ford, Ohio. She was a positive Christian girl and woman. Early in life she came into active relation with the Pres­byterian church of this city and was zealous in all departments of Christian work. She seemed especially fitted to serve her Master in the sphere which she had chosen–that of a minister’s wife. Endowed with strength of intel­lect, the graces of a true woman and the devoutness of a consecrated soul, she ever wielded a potent influence for good, until the twenty-eighth year of her age, when she was called to her reward.


The Franklin Democrat, Friday,August 22 1890
Volume XXXI Number 9, page 2 column 2


Resolutions on the death of Mrs. Shirey:

We, the committee appointed by the Johnson County Teachers’ Institute, submit the following resolutions on the death of one who was formally our co-laborer and associate:

Scarcely a year passes but that we are called upon to mourn the loss of one of our number. This year it is that of Mrs. Florence McCaslin Shirey. Hers was a character worthy of love and imitation and we know that her life has made many better and that her teaching has strengthened both morally and mentally the young minds placed in her care, there be it

RESOLVED, That as her co-workers and personal friends our heart-felt sympathies be hereby expressed to the husband so quickly bereft of a loving companion, and to the parents of a dutiful daughter, and to the brothers and sisters of an affectionate sister for their irreparable loss of their beloved one and that we commend them in their sorrow to Him who “taketh notice of the sparrow’s fall.”

Maggie Bergen,
Jessie Morgan,
J. Sallie Covert.


Link to Anna Florence (McCaslin) Shirey’s grave

Submitted by Mark McCrady, Cathea Curry and Lois Johnson