SCHUCK, William Thomas

Date of birth:  5 Feb 1824 – Henry County, Kentucky
Date of death: 30 Mar 1900 – Johnson County, Indiana

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, April 6, 1900,
Volume XL Number 40, page 1 column 6



The large circle of friends and ac­quaintances of W. T. Shuck heard with surprise and sorrow of his sudden death last Friday night at his home in Union township.

Mr. Shuck had been to a mill in the forenoon, coming home to dinner rather late. While sitting at the table he was suddenly taken ill and had to be assis­ted to his bed. He became unconscious and seemed to be enduring great pain. Medical aid was summoned, but no relief could be obtained. He continued to grow worse until death came about 9 o’clock at night.

Mr. Shuck had been afflicted with heart trouble for some time but the cause of his death was paralysis of the brain.

He was seventy-six years old and was one of the best known and most highly respected citizens in the county. For several years he resided in his property just west of town, returning to his farm about a year ago. He leaves a wife and four children—one son, Geo. T. Shuck, living in Union township and three daughters.

Funeral services were held Monday morning at Shiloh church.

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, April 6, 1900,
Volume XL Number 40, page 4 columns 4 & 5


Notice of Administration


Notice is nearby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the Johnson circuit court of the county of Johnson and state of Indiana administrator of the estate of William T. Shuck, deceased, late of Johnson County.

Said estate is supposed to be solvent..


April 5, 1900.
White & White, Attrys. for Admr.





Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of William T. Shuck, deceased, will offer for sale at public outcry at the late residence of said decedent, about 2 miles west of Bud, on Martinsville gravel road in Union township Johnson county, Indiana, on

Saturday, Tuesday, May 1, 1900,

the personal property of said estate, con­sisting of horses, cows, hogs, cattle wagons and farming implements, and of household and kitchen furniture and var­ious other articles.

Sale to begin at 10 o’clock a. m.

TERMS OF SALE—Sums of five dollars and under, cash; over five dollars a credit of ten months, the purchaser giving note at six per cent. interest after maturity, waiving benefit of valuation and appraisement laws, with good security.


April 5, 1900.
White & White, Attrys. for Admr.

Link to William Thomas Schuck’s grave

Notes: Indiana, Death Certificates, 1899–2011, Union Township, Johnson, Indiana, page 225, records that William Thomas Shuck [sic] died on 30 Mar 1900, aged 76 years, one month, and 25 days, in Union Township from apoplexy. He was male, white and married, born in Henry County, Kentucky. His father’s name was Henry Shuck [sic] and his mother’s maiden name was Susan Demaree, both born in Henry County, Kentucky. Burial on 2 Apr 1900, Dudley Peek, undertaker.

Schuck is misspelled “Shuck” throughout the obituary and sale notices.

Submitted by Mark McCrady, Cathea Curry and Lois Johnson