Prominent Lifelong Resi-
    dent of City Succumbs
    After Long Illness.

    Will M. Schoelch, prominent
lifelong resident of Shelbyville,
died Tuesday evening at his
home, 168 west Broadway, fol-
lowing a five-year illness. He was
fifty-seven years old.
    Mr. Schoelch was born on Oc-
tober 1, 1885, a son of Valentine
and Annie (Dickman) Schoelch.
He was united in marriage to
Miss Ruth Nelis, of this city, on
January 1, 1905. A son, Harry
William, was born September 1,
1908; died on August 28, 1909.
    Except for several years in In-
dianapolis, during which time he
was connected with the Wagner
Radio Co., Mr. Schoelch had spent
his entire life in this city. Eight
years ago he became affiliated
with the Hudepohl Brewing Co.,
of Cinncinati, for whom he was
publicity manager. Although ill
health during the past several
years prevented him from engag-
ing actively in business activities,
he still served in advisory ca-
pacity with the concern at the
time of his death.
    Surviving, besides the widow
and parents, who also reside here,
are two brothers, Albert, of New
Castle, and Adolph, now stationed 
with the U. S. Army at Wright
Field, Dayton, Ohio; a nephew,
Richard William Schoelch, of this
city, and a niece, Mrs. Joe Paul
Wallace, of New Castle.
    The last rites will be conduct-
ed Friday at 3:00 p. m. at the
Edwards & Kohlmeyer funeral
home, with Dr. Charles A. Bowler, 
pastor of the First Presbyterian
church officiating. Burial will
be made in Forest Hill cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral
home any time after noon Thurs-
Transcribed from materials in the Genealogy Library Family Files collection of the Johnson County Museum of History, 135 N. Main Street, Franklin, IN 46131
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