PRICE, Infant of Benjamin F.

Date of birth:  24 Apr 1899 – Trafalgar, Johnson County, Indiana
Date of death: 24 Apr 1899 – Trafalgar, Johnson County, Indiana

The Franklin Democrat, Friday, May 12, 1899,
Volume XXXIX, Number 44, page 6, column 6




  Johnson County,

I, the undersigned, Coroner of Johnson county, hereby certify that I held an inquest on the body of the infant child of B. F. Price, found dead at the home near Trafalgar, Indiana, on the 24th day of April, 1899.

After due investigation, I find the deceased came to its death by reason of asphyxia, due to neglect and incom­petency of the unlicensed midwife Ann Parisho.

Deceased was a well-developed male child, born at full term and weighed eight pounds.

Coroner of Johnson County.

Notes: The Johnson County Indiana WPA Death Index, 1882–1920, Book H-4, page 37, records that a white male infant was born to Benjamin and Hattie Spears on 24 Apr 1899.

The Johnson County Indiana WPA Death Index, 1882–1920,, page 162, referencing Book H-18, page 15, records that Price (no first name), a white male (no age), died 24 Apr 1899 in Trafalgar.

Submitted by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry