Date of Death: unknown
Source: Unknown Newspaper, Obituary Files, Johnson Museum of History, Genealogy Room
SERVICE HELD HERE FOR WILLIAM K. LUYSTER Relatives’ and friends paid final tribute here Thursday afternoon to William K. Luyster, age 96, for- mer Johnson county resident, who died Tuesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Daisy Prewitt, 818 Cedar street, Indianapolis. Funeral services were held in Indianapolis Thursday morning and burial followed in Greenlawn cem- etery here. Mr. Luyster was the son of James and Emily Keaton Luyster and was born at Nineveh. He was the last surviving member of his immedi- ate family. Survivors include three sisters, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Atkins, Nin- veh; Mrs. Nancy Wilham, Trafalgar, and Mrs. Susan Robinson, Morgan- town. Several children, all of In- dianapolis, also survive.
Submitted by Lois Johnson