The Twenty-seventh Regiment had two companies, in which Johnson County men were conspicuous. One of these, C, is credited entirely to this county, although some of them were from Morgan County. Company G had a considerable number of men from this county, but they are all credited to Morgan County. The commissioned officers in Company C from this county, were Isaac D. Collier, John Forelander and Oliver P. Ferguson, all of Edinburg, first lieutenants. The later two were promoted from the second lieutenancy. In Company G, John R. Fesler, of Franklin, was the first captain, and became lieutenant colonel of the regiment. Squire O. Garrett, of Trafalgar, was first lieutenant. Company C. had a total of ninety-nine men, of whom it lost twenty-six by death, and six by desertion. In company G. there were 110 men, twenty died and one deserted. The Twenty-seventh was mustered into the service September 12, 1861, and the remainder of the year was passed in Maryland. It was in the Shenandoah Valley, eastern Virginia and Maryland in 1862, and was at the Rappahannock, in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Tennessee in 1863; in Tennessee and the Atlanta campaign in 1864. Of the regiment's colors a national flag and a blue regimental flag, both much worn, are preserved at Indianapolis. Transcribed by Cheryl Zufall Parker