The Third Cavalry, Forty-fifth Regiment, had one full company of men from this county. It was assigned the position of G, and had for its officers the following: Captains, Felix W. Graham, George F. Herriott and William J. Lucas. First Lieutenants, George F. Herriott and William J. Lucas. First Lieutenants, George F. Herriott, William J. Lucas and Daniel Callahan. Second Lieutenants, John S. Kephart, William J. Lucas and Daniel Callahan. The company started out with seventy-six men, and was recruited with the thirty-seven. Thirteen died and sixteen deserted. Company G was placed in the left wing of the Third Cavalry, and in the year 1861 served in Kentucky, in 1862 was in Tennessee and Kentucky, in 1863 in Rosecrans' campaign in Tennessee, in 1864 was in the Atlanta campaign, and in Sherman's march to the sea. Transcribed by Cheryl Zufall Parker