Black Hawk War Johnson County enjoys the distinction of being one of the few that had a company in the Black Hawk War. More general mention of this war will be found in the first part of this volume. This was in 1832, and in May of that year, a company enlisted from Johnson County. Each Soldier furnished his own horse and saddle, which were appraised upon entering the service. The campaign was short, and was devoid of any bloody experiences. The company consisted of about 100 men, and marched from here to Chicago, near which place they remained in camp several weeks. They were ordered back home at the end of two months, having sustained no loss except a few horses which were stolen by the Indians. John Wishard was chosen captain; Samuel HERRIOTT, first lieutenant, and Simon COVERT, second lieutenant. There are four men now living in Johnson County, who belonged to this company. They are John BREWER and Samuel HENRY, of Greenwood, Aaron LAGRANGE, of Franklin, and James WISE, of Nineveh Township. Names of other memebers of the company that are now recalled, were: Max SMILEY, Powers RICHEY, ____ HENDRICKS, Thomas ROBERTS, DAvid TODD, Alexander RUSSELMAN, Hume STURGEON, John TRACY, Henry BRINTON, Barnett BREWER, Rev. ARMSTRONG, Samuel SMILEY, Daniel CMCALPIN, Robert FARNSWORTH, Joseph SINGLETON, Garrett VANDIVER, P.R. VORIS, David ALLEN and James R. ALEXANDER. Transcribed by Cheryl Zufall Parker