Greenwood Presbyterian Church.—The settlements in the northern part of Johnson County were visited by ministers of the Presbyterian Church as early as 1824, in December of which year, Rev. George Bush held religious services at the residence of John B. Smock, a short distance south of the present site of Greenwood. Rev. James H. Johnson preached in the neighborhood at an early day, as did also Rev. Isaac Reed, and on the 31st of December, 1825, the latter officiated at the organization of the Greenwood Church, which was constituted with nine members: James, Charity, Isaac, Rachel, Mary, Henry, John B. and Mary Smock, and Garrett Brewer. James Smock and Garrett Brewer were elected ruling elders, and in January, 1826, trustees were chosen, and steps taken toward the erection of a house of worship; a “parcel of land,” one-half mile north of the present limits of the town, was donated for the purpose by Isaac Reed and Garrett Brewer, and in due time a small log house, about 18 x 20 feet in size, was erected thereon, and formally dedicated with appropriate ceremonies.

For some time after the organization the church did not enjoy the labors of a regular pastor, but was ministered to from time to time by transient preachers, among whom were Revs. H. Patrick, Jeremiah Hill, William W. Woods and Eliphalet Kent. In 1839, Rev. P. S. Clelland became pastor. He was a man of ability, and a logical speaker. Rev. Horace Bushnell became pastor in 1866, and served with great acceptance till 1869. The next pastor was Rev. A. Dunn, who ministered to the congregation until 1878. His successor was Rev. J. B. Logan, whose term of service extended from 1878 to 1880. Rev. J. B. Jones then became pastor, and after serving one year was succeeded by A. Dunn, who preached about eighteen months. The next pastor was Rev. James Williamson, whose term of service expired in October, 1887, at which time the present incumbent, Rev. D. R. Love began his labors. The first church edifice was replaced about the year 1832, by a commodious frame building, fitted up with two apartments, one of which was used for school purposes. The building stood on the ground occupied by the first house, and was used until about the year 1852 or 1853. In 1852, it was decided to erect a new house of worship, and a building committee was appointed to select an appropriate site for the same. A lot near the central part of Greenwood, on Bluff Street, was secured, and the building, a substantial frame structure, was completed and formally dedicated in 1853. The house is still in use, and is a comfortable place of worship. Present membership, 175.

Transcribed by Cheryl Zufall Parker

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, page 839.