Clarksburg Christian Church was organized in what was known as the Leatherwood school-house, about one mile north of Clarksburg, on the 14th day of April, 1846, by Elder Love H. Jameson, of Indianapolis. The charter members were C. G. Dungan and wife, John Irwin and wife, David C. Mitchell and wife, Joseph Dupree and wife, John Eastburn and wife, L. M. Dupree and wife, Moses F. Clark and wife, Robert Ross and wife, Oliver Harbert and wife, John Harbert and wife, Richard Harbert and wife, Stephen Tinker and wife, John W. Curry and wife, James Williams and wife, Silas Breeding and wife, John J. Dungan and wife, R. B. Green and wife, Thomas Parttock and wife, Joseph Irwin, James Tinker, Amos Williams, Parcus Harbert, Mary A. Parttock, Hisler A. Green and Father Harbert. The first officers were as follows: Elders, C. G. Dungan and Joseph Dupree; deacons, M. F. Clark and J. J. Dungan. Shortly after the organization went into effect, a frame house of worship was erected about a quarter of a mile west of the village on land donated for the purpose by J. J. Dungan. The building was not fully completed until 1849, and was used as a meeting place until 1873. In the latter year the present handsome frame edifice on the same lot, was built at a cost of $3,300. It is a substantial structure, 38x56 feet in size, and will seat an audience of four hundred persons. During the first few years of its history the church had no regular pastor, but was ministered to from time to time by different preachers, among whom are remembered Elders L. H. Jameson, Thomas Lockhart, Asa Holingsworth, John O’Kane and George Campbell. In 1849, Elder Giles Holmes became pastor, and labored as such the greater part of the time until his death, in 1860. Following Elder Holmes came the following preachers: John Campbell, D. R. Vanbuskirk, Perry Hall, ‐‐‐‐ Jewell, R. T. Brown, Daniel Utter, George E. Flower, W. R. Couch, ‐‐‐‐ Huff, J. M. Canfield, J. W. Connor, E. L. Frazier, S. R. Wilson and W. S. Tingley. The present pastor is Elder S. J. Tomlinson. The membership at this time is about 200, a number considerably smaller than formerly, owing to the numerous removals during the last few years. A flourishing Sunday school is maintained.

Transcribed by Cheryl Zufall Parker

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, pages 859–860.