Amity Baptist Church was constituted April 10, 1858, Rev. John Vawter officiating. The original members were: Travis Burnett, Milton S. Vawter, James S. Vawter, James M. Goldsborough, William Shipp, Harrison Burnett, William Brown, Mrs. Caroline Shipp, Rozana Goldsborough, Martha E. Armstrong, Sarah F. Armstrong and Caroline Shipp, the majority of whom had formerly belonged to the old Blue River Church, in Shelby County, and Mt. Pleasant congregation, near Trafalgar. James S. Vawter was the first clerk, and in 1859, he was duly licensed to preach the Gospel. The following ministers served the church as pastors: Revs. E. W. Garrison, William Elgin, A. J. Essex, J. W. B. Tisdale, F. M. Buchanan, J. W. Lewis, T. J. Murphy, H. R. Todd, N. Johnson, John W. Ragsdale, ‐‐‐‐ Stark, A. A. Laden, T. E. Stewart and J. M. Barrow, the last named being the pastor in charge at this time.

The year in which the organization was effected witnessed the erection of a large and commodious brick temple of worship, 35x60 feet in size, with a seating capacity of about 400. Present membership, seventy-eight. Clerk, Andrew Barrow; deacons, S. M. Devore, L. O. Abbott and J. H. Brown; treasurer, Harrison Adams; trustees, P. W. Brown, John Fishback and J. H. Brown. Services are held regularly once a month by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Barrow, and at intervals in the meantime by Rev. J. M. Wagner.

Transcribed by Cheryl Zufall Parker

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, page 848.