Williamsburg Christian Church.—Among the early settlers in the vicinity of Williamsburg, was Elder William Irwin, a Baptist minister, who, having been convinced of the correctness of the views promulgated by Alexander Campbell, went into the current Reformation, and in the spring of 1831, was instrumental in organizing a small congregation. Among the earliest members of the society were William Keeton and family, Alonzo Gale and family, Aaron Dunham and family, Jeremiah Dunham, Emily White, Richard Gosney and family, John Prime and wife, John Elliott and wife, Milton McQuade and wife, John Wilkes and wife, and David Dunham and wife, the majority of whom had previously belonged to the Baptists. Elder Irwin is remembered as a man of eminent social qualities, and a good preacher. Under his ministrations the little band of worshipers soon increased until a house of worship became a necessity. Accordingly, a small log building was erected a year or two later, about a quarter of a mile northwest of the present site of the town. It answered the two-fold purpose of church and schoolhouse, and was used until about the year 1840, at which time the place of meeting was changed to Williamsburg, where a more commodious frame structure was erected. In the early years of its history the society enjoyed the ministerial labors of Elders Irwin and Joseph Fawcett, the latter a learned and logical preacher. Elders John L. Jones, J. M. Mathes, Aaron Hubbard, Asa Holingsworth and Hardin Watson visited the congregation at intervals, and in the meantime, Elan Richard Gosney, a local evangelist, preached for the church, when not similarly employed in other fields. Since 1850, the congregation has been ministered to by Elders James Blankenship, Henry R. Pritchard and Prof. J. C. Miller, the last named having filled the pulpit the greater part of the time since 1858. During Mr. Miller’s absence Elder Alfred Elmore preached for the church at different times. Present membership, 225. The brick temple of worship now in use was erected in 1860, at a cost of $3,000. It stands in the southeastern part of the village and is one of the best church edifices in the southern part of the county.

Transcribed by Cheryl Zufall Parker

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, pages 856–857.