Methodist Episcopal Church (Trafalgar).—This society is the successor of the Old Pleasant Grove Church, which was organized in the northwest part of Nineveh Township as early as the year 1827. A number of the pioneer settlers of the locality were Methodists, and the names familiar in the early history of the church were the Thompson’s, Bailey’s, Watkins’, Day’s, Carroll’s Law’s and Wilson’s. Early meetings were held in the cabins of the settlers, and later the Watkins school-house served as a place of worship until a building for the especial use of the congregation could be erected. Late in the thirties, Mr. Mullendore, an early settler in the northern part of the township, donated for a church building a lot about one-half mile north of the school-house, and in due time a frame edifice was erected thereon. Here the society met and flourished for a number of years, and at one time became a strong organization with over 100 members. James Hill, S. W. McNaughton and George F. Mullendore were among the early preachers and stated supplies [sic] of the church. Owing to deaths, removals and other causes, the membership gradually became weaker, until at one time meetings ceased nearly altogether. A re-organization was effected in 1870, and the place of meeting changed to Trafalgar, where the same year a frame house of worship, costing the sum of $1,650, was erected. This building stands near the central part of the village, and affords a comfortable and commodious meeting place. Among the pastors of the church since its re-organization, have been the following: Revs. Tinker, McClain, Cloud, Young, Farr, Alley and Jamison. The pastor in charge at this time is Rev. Mr. Turner.

Transcribed by Lois Johnson

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, page 870.