Samaria.—The Christian Church at Samaria, was organized several years ago, and for some time met for worship in a store building, which had been fitted up for church purposes by the Christians, Methodists and Baptists. In the fall of 1887, a house for the especial use of the Christian congregation was erected, since which time the church has grown and prospered. There is a good membership at this time, ministered to at stated intervals, by Elder J. C. Miller. There is a congregation of the Christian Church at the village of Needham, where a neat and substantial temple of worship was erected several years ago. The society, although weak numerically, has accomplished a good work in the community, and bids fair to become a flourishing organization at no distant day. The membership at this time is small, and no regular pastorate is sustained. There is also a flourishing Christian Church in Blue River Township, a few miles from Edinburg, which has a large membership. The house of worship is a commodious frame structure, and the society has been a potent factor for good in the community.

Transcribed by Lois Johnson

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, page 861.