New Hope (White River Township).—The New Hope Christian Church was organized December, 1883, in what is known school-house No. 10, White River Township, Elder E. W. Darst officiating. About sixty-five members went into the organization, and at the first meeting the following officers were duly elected: Elders, E. M. McCool, George W. Wyrick, and R. J. Johnson; deacons, W. H. Dresslar, W. F. Williams, J. W. Stewart and John Hardin treasurer, David Glassburn; clerk, L. B, Zaring. The church has made commendable progress, numbering at this time about 135 communicants. Meetings are still held in the school-house, which has been fitted up for church purposes. Since its organization the society has been ministered to by the following pastors, in the order named: Elders, George W. Smith, Irwin Young, John C. Miller and S. R. Wilson.

Transcribed by Lois Johnson

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, page 862.