Bluff Creek Christian Church (White River Township).—This society was organized a number of years ago, as early, perhaps, as 1834 or 1835, in a Baptist Church that stood near the village of Far West. The Baptist society had been in existence for some years, at the time services began to be held by ministers of the Christian Church, it was extinct. Among the early members of the Bluff Creek congregation were Henry Brown, Mary Brown, Daniel Brag, Lydia Boaz, Jacob Sutton, Abigail Sutton, William Dunn, Christina Dunn, John Warren and wife, Barbara Tresslar, Valentine Tresslar, Mary Tresslar, Henry J. Tresslar, and others whose names cannot be recalled. Elders William Irwin, James Fawcett, John B. New and J. L. Jones, ministered to the congregation during the early years of its history, and later, it enjoyed the labor of some of the leading preachers of the Reformation. For many years the old Baptist Church building served as a place of worship. It was removed to the village of Brownstown, in 1884, and thoroughly remodeled, and greatly improved. The church has been a potent factor for good in the community, and is still in a flourishing condition, with an active membership of 105.

Transcribed by Lois Johnson

Banta, D. D. History of Johnson County, Indiana. Chicago, IL: Brant & Fuller, 1888, pages 861-862.