Robert C. Parkhurst, a pioneer settler of Nineveh Township, was born in Tennessee, January 16, 1820, and is the son of Daniel and Celie (Stevens) Parkhurst; the father a native of Kentucky, of English descent, and the mother a native of North Carolina, also of English descent. Our subject’s boyhood and youth were spent on his father’s farm in Tennessee, until he was seventeen years old, when he came to Indiana with his parents in 1836, and settled in Johnson County, and began clearing up a farm. He received a limited common school education, attending school in the winter only. At the age of nineteen years he began his struggle of life for himself as a farmer, which he continued in Johnson County until 1839, then he went to Illinois, where he settled on a farm, and remained until 1848. He then returned to Johnson County, where he now resides. June 9, 1839, he was united in marriage with Sarah Parkhurst, a daughter of Elijah and Susan (Johnson) Parkhurst. This union was blessed with the following children: Daniel B., born August 15, 1850; Susannah, January 8, 1842, deceased; Celie A., November 12, 1843; Robert M., October 9, 1845; Nancy C., October 13, 1847, deceased; Rosanah, August 22, 1849; Elijah K., April 17, 1850; Job, December 28, 1852, and John, November 29, 1855. The mother of these children was born Aril 30, 1822. She was a member of the Regular Baptist Church. January 9, 1881, he was united in marriage with Catharine Monroe, a daughter of John and Sarah (Orr) Monroe. The father and mother were both natives of Kentucky, of Scotch descent. He and wife are members of the Regular Baptist Church. He was a member of the Grange during the lifetime of that order, and in politics he has been a life long democrat. He now owns sixty acres of fine land in Nineveh Township.