Isaac Lesley, mechanic and foreman of the H. Maley & Co.’s large saw and planing mill in Edinburg, is a native of Montgomery County, Ohio, and the oldest son of David and Sarah (Schaeffer) Lesley. Mr. Lesley’s parents were Pennsylvanians by birth, but in an early day emigrated to Montgomery County, Ohio, and later, to Indiana. Isaac Lesley grew to manhood in his native county, and early learned the carpenter’s trade, which, in the main, has been his life work. February 16, 1851, he was united in marriage to Mary Shally, of Ohio, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Shally, and one year later moved to Indiana, settling in Shelby County. In 1853, he came to Edinburg, and followed his trade here with much success and financial profit for a period of three years, abandoning it at the end of that time, and engaging in farming, which he carried on until about the year 1870. He assisted in organizing the Edinburg Furniture Company, with which he was connected until the destruction of the factory by fire. Subsequently, he accepted the position of foreman in the saw and planing mill of H. Maley & Co., the duties of which he has discharged with commendable ability to the present time. He is a skilled mechanic, a most worthy citizen, and enjoys the confidence of the wealthy firm by which he is employed. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and in politics supports the principles of the democratic party.