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Dearborn County, INGenWeb Project

-- Marriages --
Turn of the Century

-Source: Dearborn County Marriage Record BK 18
Copied from Microfilm located at the Dearborn Co. Historical Society


Pg. 3 ... Married Dec. 19, 1899; Kenneth Jackson & Laura Medd

Pg. 4 ... Married Dec. 1, 1899; Harry Elliott & Mamie Williamson

Pg. 5 ... Married Dec. 21, 1899; Tildeu J. Martin & Edith L. Hall
Pg. 5 ...Married Dec. 21, 1899; Jobie F. Rolf & Anna D. Rohlf

Pg. 6 ... Married Dec. 25, 1899; William Everell Williams & Emma Jane Moore Coulter
Pg. 6 ...Married Dec. 23, 1899; Halleck H. Emerson & Minnie Willman

Pg. 7 ... Married Dec. 23, 1899; Ansolum Sullivan & Lucinda Nixon
Pg. 7 ...Married Dec. 24, 1899; Corresnie(?) Jarvis & Mary Ickenroth

Pg. 8 ... Married Dec. 23, 1899; William M. Smith & Anna Lester
Pg. 8 ...Married Dec. 24, 1899; Jesse Frester & Lena Nanosdel

Pg. 9... Married Dec. 26, 1899; Ernest Theetge & Lizzie Johnson
Pg. 9...Married Dec. 27, 1899; Emory L. Manlief & Lillian Huston

Pg. 10 ... Married Dec. 27, 1899; Thomas M. Kanatzer & Luella Johnson
Pg. 10 ...Married Dec. 27, 1899; Walter Z. Jones & Mary A. Hutchinson

Pg. 11... Married Dec. 30, 1899; William Taylor & Francis C. Walker
Pg. 11...Married Dec. 31, 1899; William Brooks & Anna Licking

Pg. 12...Married Dec. 30, 1899; John P. Standriff & Mamie Clare
Pg. 12...Married Dec. 26, 1899; Oliver B. Mitchell & Cora A. Newman

Pg. 13... Married Dec. 30, 1899; John Fresler & Agnes McDugan
Pg. 13...Married Dec. 30, 1899; John W. Oberting & Ethel Whitney

Pg. 14... Married Jan. 3, 1900; John N. Waltz & Bertha Bridgeford
Pg. 14...Married Jan. 7, 1900; Joseph A. Grosf & Carrie Cassady

Pg. 15... Married Jan. 2, 1900; Halleck Miller & Anna Gooderson
Pg. 15...Married Jan. 3, 1900; George W. Ruppert & Sarah C. Kepper

Pg. 16... Married Jan. 3, 1900; William H. Gibson & E. Grace Slater

Pg. 134... Married Dec. 25, 1900; Henry Staat & Minnie L. Stegemiller

Pg. 135... Married Dec. 30, 1900; Philip Meinberg & Minnie Bohle

Pg. 136... Married Dec. 30, 1900; George Lattire & Sophia Keizer
Pg. 136...Married Jan. 2, 1901; Charles Stayback & Anna Fleck

Pg. 137... Married Jan. 2, 1901; Clarence Cochran & Ida Hurley
Pg. 137...Married Dec. 31, 1900; Joshua Clark & Edna Williamson

-Source: The Recorder, Rising Sun
Fri., Dec. 29, 1899 edition
'Dearborn County'

  "Married in Aurora, Dec. 25, Wm. E. Williams and Emma J.M. Coulter."

-Source : The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Jan. 4, 1900 edition


"Justice John Probst, the "marrying squire," united the following couples last week: Hal Emerson and Minnie Willman, William Smith and Anna Lester(?), Ernest Theetge and Lizzie Johnson."

"Miss Libbie Fisk of Rising Sun and Eugene B. Lynn of Memphis were married at the Grand hotel in Cincinnati Thursday. The bride is a sister of M.W. Fisk of the revenue service, and has frequently visited here."

"John Standriff and Mamie Clare, a Covington young woman, were married Saturday afternoon by Elder Will G. Loucks."

"Benjamin P. Wamsley, late of our town, now of Cincinnati, was married week before last and left for Indianapolis and other points in the west on a bridal tour."

"Married, at Homestead, Saturday evening, by Rev. W.C. Watkins, John Oberting and Miss Ethel Whitney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.O. Whitney."

'Marriage Licenses.'
"Walter Z. Jones and Mary A. Hutchinson."
"William Taylor and Francis C. Walker."
"William Brooks and Anna Sicking."
"John F. Standriff and Mamie Clare."
"Oliver B. Mitchell and Cora A. Newman."
"John Tresler and Agnes Duncan."
"John W. Oberting and Ethel Whitney."
"John N. Waltz and Bertha Bridgeford."
"Joseph A.Gross and Carrie Cassady."
"Hallock Miller and Anna Gooderson."
"George W. Ruppert and Sarah C. Kepper."

-Source: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Dec. 20, 1900 edition


"Clyde Jenks, operator at the Big Four depot, was united in marriage a week ago yesterday with Miss Gertrude Swan of Harrison. They are living in the Hayes property at the corner of High and Vine streets."

-Source : The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Dec. 27, 1900 edition


"From the Rising Sun Local we learn that Edward Wingerter and Miss Mary A. Feiler were married in that town by Squire Calvert Dec.15 at the romantic hour of 11 p.m."

"Henry Stadt and M(?) Lena Stegemiller were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ohlmansick Christmas morning."

"William Theodore Burkam, formerly of this city, later of Cincinnati, and now engaged in press work in St. Louis, is to be married Jan. 8 at College Hill. The bride to be is Miss Louise Rammelsberg, the beautiful and talented daughter of the late Charles Rammelsburg, prominent in his day as a furniture manufacturer in Cincinnati. She has been on the stage the past few years."

-Source: The Rising Sun Recorder
Jan. 4, 1901 edition, under the Dearborn county heading


"Marriage license were issued at Lawrenceburg Wednesday to Clarence Cochran of Dearborn co, and Ida Gurley of Switzerland co."

This information was
produced and provided courtesy of:

Kathleen Esposito

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