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Dearborn County, INGenWeb Project

-- Biographies --

William Webber, salesman, Aurora, said to be the second oldest native born citizen of that city, was born October 30, 1821. Within the corporaare limits of the city. He received instruction in the common branches and at the age of fourteen, began the printing trade in Lawrenceburgh. Subsequently he took charge of a newspaper in Aurora, for Mr Lancaster. His next field of labor was flat-boating, which he continued for years, engaging for a time in the business for himself. He then traveled two years for Mr. Dean. In 1847 he engaged in the grocery business with his brother, contining for years. In the winter of 1857 he engaged with Gaff & Co,. and remained up to 1875. Then the duties and responsibilities of his present position assumed, with Chambers, Stevens & Co., looking after their interests, with fervency and zeal ever laboring to promote the best interests of his employers. Under his honest and efficient management, all business is tranacted in such a manner as to give entire satisfaction. His parents, Jonas and Sarah (White) Webber, were born in Massachusetts, and came to this town in 1819. Mr.William Webber was married, July 14,1852, to Miss Mary Jane Davis, Who was born in Massachusetts April 12, 1831. To them have been born six children-Charles D., William V., George B., Harris W., Sallie, and Curtis C. Mr. Webber belongs to Chosen Friends Lodge No. 13, I.O.O.F. He and his estimable wife are members of the Baptist Church. and have always been identified with church and Sunday school work.

FOOTNOTES:Source: Book "History of Dearborn and Ohio Counties, Indiana" Page 970. Published 1885 by F.E. Weakley & Co. webb