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Dearborn County, INGenWeb Project

-- Biographies --

THOMAS JOHNSTON, retired miller, Manchester Township, was born January 1, 1828, a son of Joseph and Mary (Karney) Johnston, he a native of Virginia and she of Kentucky, About 1810 three brothers, David, George and Joseph Johnston, with their mother, Elizabeth Johnston, emigrated from Virginia to Ohio, where they spent a short time, thence in 1812 they moved westward through Indiana till they reached Vincennes, where they stopped and raised one crop; thence removed into Kentucky, near Louisville, and spent one season, and in 1814 came to Dearborn County, Ind., locating on land near Aurora, known as the Reese land, where they raised one crop, and during this time they entered from Government 240 acres of land on North Hogan Creek, in Section 10, Manchester Township. This country was then all in the woods with few roads. They cut out a new road from the block-house by which to reach their land and location. In 1815 they moved to their new home, where they had already erected a log house. This location had been selected by them, not for its beauty or value for farming purposes, but as an eligible site for milling purposes, and they immediately commenced digging a race, and making other preparations for the erection of a grist-mill, subsequently employing a millwright from Hamilton, Ohio. This mill, which was at first erected with a single run of buhrs, was ultimately increased to four run of buhrs, and was one of the earliest and most important mills in this section of the country. This mill continued to be run by the Johnston family for nearly sixty-six years, until in December, 1882, the mill was destroyed by fire. In 1843 Joseph purchased the interest of his brother George, and continued to run the mill till his death in October, 1873, aged eighty-one years. From that time till the mill was burned it was run by the sons. Mr. Johnston's life was one of great activity, and all his business conducted with prudence and good management, and as a result he became wealthy, having accumulated a large competency. He was the father of nine children — seven sons and two daughters — five now living: John, George, Thomas, Columbus and Joseph M., all of whom live upon the old home place but George, who resides one-fourth of a mile above on Hogan Creek. Thomas Johnston, the subject of this sketch, was mai'ried, in September, 1867, to Miss Abigail Heustis, a daughter of Elias and Sarah Heustis, he a native of New York and she of ^Massachusetts, who were among the early settlers of Manchester Township. By this union they have had four children: Eobert Cave, Anna Mary, David Thomas and Joseph E. (twins); the latter died aged three months. Mr. Johnston filled the office of county treasurer by appointment from May till November, 1855, thence by election from that date till November. 1857.

FOOTNOTES: Source: Book "History of Dearborn and Ohio Counties, Indiana" Page 736.