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Dearborn County, INGenWeb Project

-- Biographies --

JOHN CALLAHAN, the oldest resident of Lawrenceburgh City, was born in Jefferson County, Ky., November 16, 1798. His parents, James and Elizabeth (Phillips) Callahan were natives of Virginia, where they were reared and married, moving from that State to Kentucky about 1780 to 1790. They were the parents of fourteen children, two dying in infancy and nine growing to maturity and marrying. Our subject is now the only surviving member of the family, his father having died in 1832, in his sixty-third year, his mother in 1841, in her seventy-third.

His parents were of Irish and Scotch descent. In February,' 1806, the family moved from Jefferson County, Ky. , to this locality and located above Lawrenceburgh, where the father died. He was a farmer by occupation, and though not wealthy was considered in good circumstances.

John Callahan, our subject, spent his early years on the farm engaging in agricultural pursuits till about 1837. In the meantime he took up the river traffic as a business, and this he continued successfully for many years, giving up the trade at the breaking out of the civil war.

His first shipments were chiefly live-stock, but later were of pork and flour, New Orleans being his chief market. Froom that city he once came on foot and twice by barge to this place.

Since 1860 Mr. Callahan has not been actively engaged in business, but has lived in quiet retirement in the town, which has been his home since his boyhood. In his business enterprises he has always been quite successful, and though having started in life at the age of sixteen years, and with not a dollar's worth of assistance, he has accumulated a handsome competency for his support in his declining years.

Mr. Callahan was married, April 13, 1823, to Mary Swift, a native of Massachusetts, and daughter of Paul and Eliza Swift, natives of the same State, the family moving to this county about 1820. Her father was a hatter by trade, and conducted that business in Hardinsburgh for several years. There were six children in the family, Mrs. C. now being the only one surviving. Mr. and Mrs. Callahan had two children, both of whom died in infancy, but they have reared ten foster children — all nephews or nieces but one. Their names are as follows: Henry Swift, William Callahan, James Callahan, Eliza Spooner, Cynthia A. Callahan, Margaret French, Ann French, John Spooner, Anna Lee and Lily B. Callahan.

The first five named of the above (except William Callahan) are deceased. These children Mr. and Mrs. C. have reared as their own, and at their maturity have given them assistance in founding homes for themselves.

Mr. Callahan is one of the most highly esteemed citizens of Lawrenceburgh. He was for more than twenty years officially connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he and Mrs. C. have been active members for forty seven years.

FOOTNOTES: Source: Book "History of Dearborn and Ohio Counties, Indiana" Page 656.