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Dearborn County, INGenWeb Project

-- Biographies --

ROBERT D. BROWN attorney, Hogan Township. For forty-three years Mr. Brown has resided in the town of Wilmington; he was born in Otsego County, N. Y., April 13, 1814. His parents, Robert D. and Sarah (Bartlett) Brown, were natives of York State, the father died in 1817 and the mother February 4, 1829.

Mr. Brown being left an orphan immigrated to Ohio in the spring of 1829, thence to Indiana in 1837, after losing his wife (Mary Cummings) in 1836, to whom he was married in New Haven, Ohio, in 1835. After locating in the then prosperous and enterprising town of "Wilmington, Mr. Brown married Mary Hubbard Harwood, and unto them was born a son, Jason B., February 26, 1889, who is today one of Indiana's most successful legal practitioners and an active worker in local politics. Mrs. Brown died December 16 1839.

In 1841 Mr. Brown married Mrs. Orena Churchill. Unto them were born two children : Emma and Latham B. This wife died in 1847.

Not being willing to endure the trials of this life alone Mr. Brown was married, in 1848, to Elizabeth J. Mills, his present help mate, who has been to him a faithful and valuable counselor. Mr. Brown read law in Wilmington, and was admitted to the bar in Lawrenceburgh in 1852. He was elected magistrate in 1843, and served for seventeen years. In 1861-62 he was State librarian, and was gauger under Andrew Johnson for five months, which was the most lucrative position of his life.

He is and has been for some time, president of the board of managers of the Knightstown Soldiers and Orphans Home and Asylum for feeble-minded people. Mr. Brown is a member of Wilmington Lodge No. 158, F. & A. M., and was the first mason in the town.

He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a Democrat.

FOOTNOTES:Taken from the book "History of Dearborn and Ohio Counties, Indiana" Page 642.