FRANCIS C. BRIDDELL, proprietor of livery, sale and feed stable, Aurora, was born in Aurora, February 4, 1852, where he received the best education the public schools afforded.
At the age of seventeen he engaged in his present business. For several years he has acted as assistant book-keeper and collector for the Aurora Gas Company.
He was married, October 16, 1877, to Miss Carrie L. Hitzfeld, who was born in Lawrenceburgh, Ind. To the marriage has been born York L. Briddell, January 10, 1880.
Mr. Briddell has a fine stable, in size 106x53 feet, which will accommodate fifty head of horses. He has done a fair business from the start and prospered in life.
His residence is in Walker Town, an addition to the city proper Further particulars as to ancestors will be found elsewhere.
FOOTNOTES:Taken from the book "History of Dearbornand Ohio Counties, Indiana" Page 640.