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Dearborn County, INGenWeb Project

HENRY C ASSCHE, farner, of Jackson Township, was born June 15, 1850, in New Orleans, on the old battle ground of the war of 1812; is the son of Christian and Louizette (Heemann) Assche, natives of Germany.

In 1842 Mr. Assche left his native land for London, England, where he spent three years in sugar refinery, thence immigrated to New York City; remaining there but a short time he went to Charleston S. C., where he joined the Militiia Guards and served with them until in 1847, when he came to New Orleans and there went to work at his former trade in the Battle Ground Sugar Refinery, where he continued until the business was closed by the war of the Rebellion and the capture of the city by the Federal troops. Then he entered upon the mercantile trade, in which he continued until 1867 when he sold his stock of goods and removed to Dearborn County, Indiana, and purchased the property now owned by D. Brinkmier, in Jackson Township. In 1869, having the above property, he purchased the farm of eighty two acres where he now resides.

Mr. Assche is now an invalid from rheumatism, contracted by overheating his blood while working in the sugar refining business, and is sometimes confined to his bed for several months, and ar times suffers excruciating pains.

He was married in 1849 and became the father of three children, one only now living---Henry C..

Mr. Assche was a Union man during the late war, but was compelled to serve in the Confederate Home Guards, and after the capture of New Orleans by the Federals he was drafted into service by the Government, but on account of his rheumatic affection was exempted.

Henry C., the only surviving child of his father, received a good commercial education at New Orleans, and at fifteen years of age entered into the employ of the Atlantic & Mississippi Steamship Company, with whom he continued till they closed up in bankuptcy.

In 1868 he came to his father's, where he has since resided, assisting on the farm and teaching school. He has taught school every winter since 1869, and anticipates continuing in the profession.

He was married, June 7, 1877, to Carolina Schweitzer, born in Cincinnati, October 6, 1850, a daughter of Henry and Christena Schweitzer, natives of Germany. They came to Ohio in 1848, and to Dearborn County, Ind., in 1859, where he died August 9,1882, of cancer of the stomach. They had four children: Caroline, Henry, William and Emma. Mr. Assche and wife have four children: Henry, William, Louizette and Emma.



SUBMITTED BY: John Minneman