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Dearborn County, INGenWeb Project

-- Biographies --

Rev. Lucien Alden, a Presbyterian clergyman, and a gentleman of high scholastic accomplishments, removed from Boston to Aurora, and opened the seminary established through the efforts of Judge Holman, in 1826.

In 1828 Mr. Alden removed to Rising Sun, and took charge of the seminary at that place, which had just been completed. He conducted the institution with marked success for two years, when in the fall of 1830, he returned to Boston, from which city he had been sent to this part of the country as a missionary, and wore back a full suit of blue jeans, woven by Mrs.Judge Holman, on the old hand loom.

During his sojourn in this section of the country, Mr. Alden preached at Aurora, Rising Sun. Hartford, Dillsborough, and other points, as opportunity was afforded him. After returning to Boston, he was pastor of a church there many years.

FOOTNOTES:Taken from the book "History of Dearborn and Ohio Counties, Indiana" Published 1885

SUBMITTED BY: John Minneman