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1945 Florida Census Transcription - Precincts 17 - 23

Santa Rosa County

Compiled by volunteers of the Genealogical Society of Santa Rosa County. Many names in the census were distorted or illegible. Every effort was made to index names to the best of our ability. This is volume five of five volumes.

Pages are coded by Precinct number (Italics) and page number (bold type) of that precinct.

Fidelis & State Prison (17)         Harold (18)             North Jay (19)

Pace (20) Mulat (21)                 Town Point (22)         Boutwell (23)

Surname Precinct and Page

Aaron 19-22

Acree 17-11, 25

Albritton 23-13, 14

Adams 20-39, 40, 41, 42

Alderman 18-5, 6

Adkinson 23-4

Allen 17-7, 8, 27, 28, 36; 19-5, 6

Anderson 20-37, 38; 23-17, 18

Andrews 18-7; 20-7, 8, 14; 23-1, 2

Ard 20-27, 28, 35, 36; 23-1, 2

Ashworth 17-24, 29

Attaway 20-39, 40

Atwell 20-10

Austin 20-48

Babb 20-5, 6

Baggett 20-1, 2

Bailey 17-21; 23-1, 2

Baker 19-17, 18, 19, 20

Ballard 17-18, 35

Barnes 18-3, 4, 5, 6; 20-1, 2, 18

Barnhill 17-11, 12, 25, 36; 20-33, 34

Barrow 18-6

Barton 21-5

Battistella 20-13, 14

Beagels 20-26

Beasley 20-21, 22

Beck 17-24, 29

Becker 17-40

Bedsole 20-32

Beebe 20-37, 38

Bell 20-31, 32, 47, 48

Benson 22-1, 2

Benton 20-39, 40

Bernath 21-1, 2

Bird 17-45

Bishop 17-15, 16

Blackman 17-11, 12; 20-5, 6

Blocker 17-37, 38

Bloodsworth 23-7, 8

Boatright 17-9, 10

Bohannon 17-6

Boles 18-5, 6

Bolton 17-25, 36

Bonds 19-21, 22

Bonifay 20-43, 44; 22, 1, 2

Booker 19- 7,8

Borders 17-27, 28

Born 22-1, 2

Bosticwick 20-15

Botts 17-37, 38

Boutwell 23-3, 4, 13, 14

Bowers (Bower) 19-7, 8, 9, 10; 20-33, 34

Bozeman 20-49, 50

Bradley 17-37, 38

Bragg 19-13, 14

Brake 20-9, 10, 36

Brandt 22-3, 4

Brannon 20-31, 32

Bray 19-6, 11, 12; 20-9, 10

Brogdon 21-4, 5

Brooks 17-23, 42

Brown 17-26, 33; 18-5, 6, 8; 20-27, 28, 33, 34, 48;

21-3, 4; 23-11, 12

Broxson 17-43; 18-3, 4

Bryan 20-21

Bryant 18-8

Buffington 17-9, 10

Burkett 17-15

Burnett 21-1, 2

Busby (Busbee) 20-9, 10, 13, 14, 25, 26

Bynum 19-11

Byrd 17-1

Cabaniss 19-3, 4

Caine (Cain) 20-11, 12

Calhoun 17-18, 31, 34, 35

Cameron 20-51, 52

Campbell 17-30; 19-1, 2, 4; 20-45, 46

Canley 20-1

Cannsil 21-6

Cannon 19-2, 5, 6, 23

Carden 19-13

Cardwell 17-17, 40

Carnley 20-23

Carpenter 17-1, 2, 5, 6

Carr 23-15, 16

Carridy 20-24

Carroll (Carol) 19-5, 6; 20-31, 32, 39; 21-3, 4

Carruth 20-17, 18

Carswell 17-9, 10

Carter 20-33, 34

Casey 19-1, 2

Caswell 22-3, 4

Chaffin 20-3, 4, 7, 8

Chancy 20-37, 38

Chatman 22-5

Chavers 20-25, 26

Chavis 23-3, 4

Cheatham 20-29, 30

Cherry 17-43

Cobb 19-13, 14, 21, 27

Cockrell 23-8

Coffey 17-3, 4

Coggins 20-33, 34

Cole 17-39; 20-17, 18, 24

Coleman 20-25, 26

Collier 17-8

Collinsworth 18-1, 2

Conaway 23-11, 12

Conner 17-3, 4; 23-3, 4

Cook 17-25, 36; 20-3, 4, 9, 10, 17, 18, 34; 23-1, 2

Cooley 17-19, 20; 20-27, 28, 37, 38

Copeland 17-23, 30, 32, 41, 42, 43

Cooper 21-4

Corser 20-33, 34

Cotton 17-5, 6; 19-16

Coursey 23-15, 16

Courtney 20-11, 12

Cox 18-6; 20-15, 16

Craft 23-5, 6

Crain 18-5, 6; 20-44

Creamer 19-5, 6

Creed 19-19, 20

Creel 17-45

Crist 20-47, 48

Crowson 21-1, 2

Cummins 20-15

Cushing 17-27, 28

Danley 20-3, 4, 35, 36

Dansby 20-35, 36

Darley 17-20

Daughtery 20-35, 36

Davis 17-20; 18-1, 2, 4;

20-15, 16, 27, 28, 31, 32, 51; 22-2

Davison 20-15

Dees 20-37, 38

Deloache 21-1, 2

Dennon 22-1, 2

Dien 20-9, 10

Dieyer 20-47, 48

Dismuke 22-1, 2

Ditmar 17-29

Dixon 17-11, 12, 21, 22, 32, 43

Dobson 19-19, 20

Dorman 17-36

Dungan 20-19, 20

Dunlap 17-26, 33

Dunn 17-27, 28

Earhart 20-41

Echols 23-11, 12

Eddins 23-8

Ediker 19-3, 4, 7, 8

Edwards 21-3, 4

Elliott 17-32, 43

Ellis 17-3, 32, 42, 43

Emmett 19-1, 2

Emmons 20-45, 46

Enfinger 20-3, 4, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28

Evans 20-9, 10

Fails 19-1, 2

Faircloth 20-29, 30

Farmer 20-49

Faulk 20-5, 6

Fields 17-25, 26, 36

Fike 20-9, 10

Fillingim 21-1, 2

Flowers 17-37; 20-25, 26

Floyd 17-9, 10, 37, 38; 19-15, 16

Forbes 23-1, 2

Forte 23-2, 15, 16

Fowler 17-32, 43; 20-41, 42; 23-1

Foster 19-7, 8

Francisco 22-3, 4

Franklin 20-29, 30

Free 17-25, 36; 20-21, 22

Freeman 19-21, 22; 23-1, 2, 15, 16, 17, 18

Fulmoore 17-17, 40

Gallops 20-9, 10, 45

Garrett 20-44

Garwin 19-9, 10

Gaston 23-12

Gatewood 21-3, 4

Gauger 20-36

Gay 17-25, 36; 19-5, 6; 20-3, 4

Gebhart 20-1, 2

Giddens 20-38, 41, 42

Gillespie 20-47, 48

Godley 23-3, 4

Godwin 23-13, 14, 17, 18

Golden 17-15, 18, 19, 20, 31, 34, 35; 19-17, 18

Gordon 20-8

Grant 20-15

Green 23-10, 15, 16

Grey 20-9, 10

Griffice 19-16

Griffin 20-8, 27, 28, 37, 38

Grimes 19-3, 4; 20-47

Griswold 17-3; 23-17, 18

Gross 17-25, 36

Grubbs 20-25, 26, 28

Guernsey 20-45

Gullo 20-29

Gulsby 17-3, 4

Gunn 17-22

Gunner 17-26, 33

Hadron 23-9, 10

Hall 17-3, 4, 35; 19-3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 17, 18;

20-41, 42, 45, 46; 22-1, 2

Hamilton 20-17, 18, 25, 26, 41, 42, 43, 44

Hammock 17-5

Harbert 18-8

Harper 21-5

Harris 17-45; 20-14, 52; 23-16

Harrison 20-2

Hatcher 18-5, 6, 7

Hattaway 21-1, 2

Hawkins 17-26, 33, 45

Hawsey 17-33; 19-9, 10

Hawthorn (Hawthorne) 17-17, 40; 19-15; 20-35; 23-8

Hayes 19-21, 22

Haynes 20-42

Heaton 19-9, 10

Heller 20-7, 8

Helms 18-3, 4; 19-23, 24

Helwig 20-33, 34

Henderson 17-15, 16; 21-1, 2; 23-15, 16

Hendricks 19-13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24

Hicks 17-3, 31; 20-49, 50

Higdon 20-5, 6, 45, 46; 22-1, 2

Hilburn 23-17, 18

Hill 17-15, 1618-8

Hindle 20-3, 4

Hinote 17-39

Hinson 20-31, 32

Hoard 19-12

Hogue 22-1, 2

Holland 17-6; 20-41, 42

Holloway 20-33, 34; 23-11, 12

Hood 19-13, 14

Hoopeman 17-1, 2

Hopkins 20-7, 8, 28, 30

Horne 17-7, 8

Houston 17-41

Howard 19-21, 22; 22-3, 4

Hudson 19-22, 23, 24

Hughes 19-18; 20-16, 23, 24, 47, 48

Hutchinson 18-7

Ingram 19-18

Ivey 20-3, 4

Izwrra 22-2

Jackson 17-25, 36; 19-15, 16, 23, 24;

23-1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8

Jacobs 17-9, 10

Jenkins 18-8; 19-21, 22

Jernigan 19-9, 10; 20-13, 14, 19, 20, 25, 26, 35, 36, 43, 44, 45, 50; 21-5; 22-3, 4

Jinright 23-5, 6

Johnson 17-45; 19-1, 2, 11, 12; 21-4, 6; 22-4

Jones 17-4, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 29, 31, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 45;

19-23, 24; 20-9, 10, 35, 36;

23-5, 6, 11, 17, 18

Jordan 17-1, 2, 4, 17, 40; 19-19, 20; 20-19, 20

Jorgenson 20-35, 36

Joyner 19-8

Kearley 17-21, 22

Kemper 22-1

Kervin 20-32

Key 23-1, 2

Keyser 20-34, 35, 36

Khan 22-3

Kilcrease 21-3, 4

Killingsworth 21-3, 4

Kilpatrick 17-9, 10; 20-49, 50, 51, 52

Kington 20-45

Kirkland 23-15, 16

Kiser 23-13, 14


Lamoreaux 19-23, 24

Land 17-3, 4, 23, 42; 19-19; 20-1, 2, 27, 28, 51; 21-5

Larkin 18-3

Lassiter 20-42, 43, 44; 23-3, 4

Lay 20-15, 16

Lee 17-5, 6; 19-12; 20-9, 10, 11, 12, 15

Levi 20-13

Lewis 17-24, 29, 31, 34, 37, 38, 43;

20-2, 13, 14, 41, 42; 22-3, 4

Lindsay 20-2, 3, 4

Little 19-3, 4

Lloyd 23-7, 8

Lockett 23-15, 16

Locklin 17-17, 40; 18-1, 2

Lord 19-3, 4

Love 20-33, 34

Lovell 17-11, 12

Lowery 19-1, 2, 6; 20-1, 2, 15, 27, 28, 39, 40

Lumley 21-5


Macks 20-35, 36

Madisen 20-19, 20

Magaha 19-1, 4

Mahone 18-8

Malhorn 19-21, 22

Manning 20-19, 21, 22

Marshall 20-9, 10, 15; 22-3, 4

Martin 19-16

Mason 23-9, 10

Massengale 17-18, 19, 31, 34, 35

Mattox 19-21, 22

May 19-1, 2; 21-5; 23-10

Mayhair 17-13, 14

Mayo 17-19, 20

McArthur 17-5, 6, 17

McBride 20-23, 24

McCall 17-2

McCoy 17-12

McCrory 19-7, 8

McCullough 22-3, 4

McCurdy 19-13, 14, 21, 22

McGill 17-9, 10

McGocklin (McKocklin) 17-7, 8

McIver 21-3, 4

McLeod 20-33

McNally 17-27, 28

McNaughton 17-21, 22

McMillan 17-45; 19-3, 4; 20-1, 2

Meadows 23-5, 6

Melvin 20-37, 38, 51, 52

Merritt 17-23, 42

Messer 23-9, 10

Middlebrooks 20-29, 30

Miller 17-3, 420-21, 22, 28, 40

Mixon 23-9, 10

Mock 23-17, 18

Mongeon 17-45

Moore 17-2, 13, 14, 32, 33, 35, 43; 19-11, 12;

20-32; 23-3, 4, 11

Moorman 20-33, 34

Morgan 17-21, 22; 20-52

Morrell 18-3, 4

Morris 17-32, 33, 35, 43

Morrison 20-47, 48, 51

Mote 17-7, 24, 29

Mungin 17-45

Munis 22-3, 4

Murphy 19-3, 4; 20-41, 42

Myres 23-7, 8

Myrick 22-3, 4

Nall 23-9, 10

Nance 17-26; 21-5

Nelson 17-17, 23, 30, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42;

19-1, 2; 23-7, 8

Nicholas 20-11, 12, 13, 14, 49, 50

Nobles 17-23, 42

Noles 17-11, 1219-23, 24

Norris 20-3, 4, 11, 12, 14, 15, 37, 38; 21-3, 4

Norwood 20-52

Nowling 17-2619-11, 12; 23-3, 4

Oakes 20-48

Odom 17-26, 33; 23-15, 16

Oglesby 21-5

Osteele 19-5

Osteen 20-26

Owens (Owen) 19-7, 10; 20-9, 10, 18, 20

Pace 19-5, 6; 20-9, 10, 35, 36

Pack 20-33, 34

Parker 17-1018-1, 2, 4, 7; 20-1, 2, 46

Parrott 20-1, 2

Partin 17-15, 16, 18

Patrick 21-6

Patterson 17-23, 24, 29; 20-19, 20

Paul 20-9, 10

Peacock 21-3, 4

Peaden 20-27, 28

Penhord 21-5

Pennington 20-39, 40

Penny 17-45

Penton 20-15, 16, 18; 23-1, 2

Peppers 17-19, 20, 21, 22

Perritt 20-5, 6, 17, 18

Perry 23-15

Peterson 20-7, 8, 43, 44

Phillips 17-25, 36

Pilkenson 22-1, 2

Pittman 20-31; 23-3, 4

Plant 20-1, 2, 46, 49, 50

Polk 17-7, 8; 19-15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Poore 19-5, 6

Portwood 17-26, 33

Powell 20-47, 48

Pridgen 20-27

Pringle 17-24

Print 20-9

Pugh 17-7, 8, 42; 19-13, 14, 15, 16

Quick 17-23, 42

Raborn 19-3, 4

Ramey 20-45, 46

Rasmue 22-3, 4

Raybon 20-12, 17, 18

Redman 17-45

Reeder 17-23, 42

Reeves 17-19, 20, 23; 19-11, 12

Reynolds 17-20

Rhodes 21-1

Richardson 18-3, 4; 20-21, 22

Roberts 20-17

Robinson 20-41, 42; 22-3, 4

Rogers 17-26, 33

Rolland 23-5, 6

Rowell 17-15, 16, 26, 33, 37, 38, 41

Rule 22-1, 2

Russell 17-15, 16, 23, 30, 31, 41, 42

Rutherford 20-23, 24

Ryan 22-3, 4

Salter 20-12, 21, 22, 47, 48

Sampley 20-27, 28

Sapp 20-6, 7, 8, 13, 14

Sarter 20-23

Sasser 17-27, 28

Schumath 17-45

Scott 17-15, 16; 18-6; 19-17, 18; 20-19, 20, 38; 23-7, 8

Scroggins 19-5, 6

Searcy 17-24, 25, 29, 36

Searsey 23-11, 12

Seibert 20-9, 10

Senterfitt 21-3, 4

Sessions 20-29, 30

Settle 19-7, 8, 19, 20

Shadix 20-7, 8

Shehane 17-26, 30, 32, 41

Shell 17-1

Shelton 20-21, 22

Shene 20-24

Sherwood 19-15, 16

Shiver 23-11, 12, 13, 14

Shofner 20-17, 18

Shultz 19-11, 12, 23, 24

Shumake 17-5, 6

Silcox 20-19, 20, 45, 46, 51, 52

Simmons 19-1, 2; 20-8, 25, 26, 29; 23-1, 2

Sims 23-5, 6

Skinner 20-51, 52

Slate 23-7, 8

Slawson 17-35

Slay 17-26, 32

Smith 17-14, 26, 32, 39, 45; 18-1, 2, 3; 20-33, 34;

21-1, 2; 22-5

Smolensky 23-13, 14

Sorrells 20-23, 24

Sparks 17-3, 4

Spencer 20-33, 34

Squire 20-47, 48

Stanton 17-27, 28

Stephens 20-1, 2, 11, 12

Stewart 20-4, 5, 6, 7, 25, 26, 32; 21-1, 2

Stinson 21-1, 2

St. Mary 20-17, 18

Stokes 18-1; 20-4, 11, 12, 18

Strickland 17-15, 16, 19, 20

Strist 20-21, 22

Suggs 20-47, 48; 21-5

Sulett 19-15, 16

Summerlin 19-19, 20

Sumner 20-37, 38, 43, 44

Sutton 17-24, 26, 27, 28, 29

Taylor 17-5, 24, 29, 37, 38, 45; 21-4

Tearjear 22-2

Terry 18-8

Thames 20-35, 36

Thomas 17-45; 19-9, 10; 20-19, 20, 41, 42

Thompson 17-17, 21, 22, 40;

19-1, 2, 5, 6, 15, 16, 19, 20

Thurman 18-3, 4

Tillis 22-5

Tinsley 21-3, 4

Tolbert 19-5, 23, 24

Travis 17-34

Treace 23-13, 14

Turner 19-23, 24; 20-3, 4, 15, 16

Vann 23-7, 8

Vinson 22-1, 2

Wagner 19-2; 20-9, 10

Walker 20-37, 38; 22-3, 4

Wall 17-1820-31, 32, 44

Walling 20-43, 44

Ward 17-13

Warren 20-14

Warrick 19-3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10

Wasden 17-27, 28

Watson 17-17, 40; 19-1, 2; 20-7, 8;

23-5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12

Watts 20-47, 48

Weaver 19-17, 18

Weekley 20-1, 2

West 17-23, 38, 42

Weeks 23-5, 6

White 17-9, 10, 17; 19-7, 8; 20-39, 40

Whitehead 17-45; 20-13, 14

Whitfield 17-7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 23, 39, 42

Whitley 23-17, 18

Whitmire 21-1, 2

Wiggins 20-13, 14

Wilkes 19-9

Willborn 18-3, 4

Williams 17-1, 2, 7, 8, 45; 20-27, 28, 33, 34; 21-6

Williamson 19-9, 10

Willis 17-36

Wilson 18-1, 2, 5, 6

Wingart 20-5, 6

Wingate 21-5

Wise 23-5

Wolfe 17-9; 19-15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

Wolfs 19-9, 10

Wood 23-13, 14

Woodall 20-22

Woodfein 19-21, 22

Woodrow 21-3, 4

Woods 20-5, 6

Woody 17-31, 34

Wooten 17-1, 2

Wright 18-1, 7

Wyatt 17-21, 22

Wyche 23-11, 12

Wysher 20-9, 10

Yancy 20-22

Zwally 20-29, 30