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History of the City of Denver, Arapahoe County, and Colorado, O. L. Baskin & Co., Historical Pulishers, c. 1880

History of Colorado, by W. B. Vickers.

Chapter I.  Ringing up the Curtain.
Chapter II.  Early Discoveries of Gold.
Chapter III.  Journalism in Colorado.
Chapter IV.  [missing pages 31-32]
Chapter V.  Lo!  The Poor Indian.
Chapter VI.  The Mountains of Colorado.
Chapter VII.  Colorado During the Rebellion -- Territorial Officials.
Chapter VIII.  Progress of the Country.
Chapter IX.  The Climate of Colorado.
Chapter X.  Agricultural Resources of the State.
Chapter XI.  Stock Raising in Colorado.
Chapter XII.  Leadville and California Gulch.
Chapter XIII.  History of the First Colorado Regiment.
Chapter XIV.  History of the Second Colorado Regiment.
Chapter XV.  Sketch of the Third Colorado.
Chapter XVI.  The Geology of Colorado.
Chapter XVII.  Peak Climbing in the Rocky Mountains.
Chapter XVIII.  Sketch of the San Juan Country and Dolores District.
Chapter XIX.  The University of Colorado.


Chapter I.  The Ute Rebellion.
Chapter II.  Affairs at White River Agency.
Chapter III.  The News in Denver.
Chapter IV.  Advance Upon The Agency.
Chapter V.  Arrival at Agency -- The Massacre.
Chapter VI.  Cessation of Hostilities -- Rescue of the Prisoners.
Chapter VII.  Sad Story of the Captives.
Chapter VIII.  Ute Atrocities in Colorado.
Chapter IX.  The "Peace Commission" Frace.
Chapter X.  The Ute Question in Congress.

History of the City of Denver, Arapahoe County, and Colorado, O. L. Baskin & Co., Historical Publishers, c. 1880, pp. 215-218.