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"I prayed for freedom for 20 years, but received no answer until I prayed with my legs."
Frederick Douglass

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Notice of Sales

Harrison, Robert. Notice, St. Augustine Florida Herald

Amelia Island, FL

Source: St. Augustine Florida Herald

Vol. VIII no. 26, June 23, 1830

Transcribed by Toni Carrier



     All person or persons, are cautioned against trading for a note of mine, in favour of Joseph A. Matair, dated on or about the 30th of April last, for one hundred and fifty dollars, at sixty days.

     As the said note was given in part payment of a mulatto girl, named Grace, purchased from said Matair, and since the purchase have discovered, the said girl to be under mortgage; consequently, I am determined, not to pay said note until the mortgage is staisfied.


                                                Robt. Harrison

                                                Amelia Island, 1st June, 1830

Houston, John. Marshal's Sale, St. Augustine, FL

Source: St. Augustine Florida Herald

Vol. VIII no. 26, June 23, 1830

Transcribed by Toni Carrier


Marshal's Sale

     By virtue of a writ of venditiona exponas issued out of Superior Court for the District of East Florida and to me directed and delivered, I will expose to sale in front of the Court house in the city of St. Augustine on Tuesday the 2nd day of August next at 1 o'clock, P.M. two negro men named Mingo and March taken as the property of John Houston, at the suit of Jacob P. Henry.


                                    W. Smith, Marshal

                                    June 3, 1830

Poirier, Peter. Marsha'l Sale, St. Augustine, FL

Source: St. Augustine Florida Herald

Vol. VIII no. 44, October 28, 1830

Transcribed by Toni Carrier


Marshal's Sale

     By virtue of a writ of fieri Facias issued out of the Superior court for the District of East Florida, and to me directed and delivered, I will expose to public sale in front of the court house in the city of St. Augustine, on Wednesday, the 3d day of November next, at 1 o'clock, p.m., two negro men, one named Tony, and one named Davis, and one negro girl named Mary -- taken as the property in part of Peter Poirier, at the suit of Francis Richard.

                                    Waters Smith, Marshal

                                    October 13, 1830

Sams, Edward H. Notice of Marshal's Sale of Montrose

Source: St. Augustine Florida Herald

Vol. VIII no. 19, May 5, 1830

Transcribed by Toni Carrier


Marshal's Sale

     By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued by the Superior Court for the district of East Florida and to me directed and delivered, I will expose to public sale in front of the Court house of the city of St. Augustine on Tuesday, the first of June next at one o'clock, P.M. of that day a negro man named Montrose taken as the property of Edward H. Sams, at the suit of Hugh H. Proudfoot. -- Terms cash.

                                                            Waters Smith, Marshal

                                                            April 26, 1830

Mitchell, Peter. Sale of John, St. Augustine, FL
Source: St. Augustine Florida Herald
Vol. VIII no. 27, June 30, 1830
Transcribed by Toni Carrier

For Sale
A negro man, of the name of John, formerly owned by Peter Mitchell, Esq. For terms apply to Mrs. Mary A Sanchez or A Poujaud, Agent.

June 23

Notice of Sales of Slaves by Name