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Pension Applications of Gideon
Griffin: W8877: transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris State of South Carolina} Richland District} To the Honorable the President and members of the Senate (of the State of South Carolina. CLH). The petition of Gideon Griffin respectfully sheweth that he enlisted as a soldier during the Revolutionary War under Col. Wm Thomson of the 3rd Regt. South Carolina State Troops. That he served for two years in Capt Richard Brown’s and one in Capt. Littles, that he fought in several of the most important battles in the state–served out his time–& was discharged in Charleston– That your petitioner from old age & indigent circumstances and a large family is unable to support himself– He therefore prays your Honorable body to place him on the pension list and as in duty bound will ever pray Sworn to before me 29th Nov 1826 Gideon his X mark Griffin(signed) C. Bookler Q.M.(?) ---------------------------------------------- South Carolina} Richland District} Personally appeared before me Morgan Griffin & made oath that he knew Gideon Griffin– that he saw him enlist under Col. Wm Thomson of the 3rd Regt. State Troops and served with him during the period of his enlistment viz three years. Sworn to before me 29th Nov 1826 Morgan his X mark GriffinC. Bookler Q.M.(? ---------------------------------------------- State of South Carolina} District of Richland} SS On this twenty second day of November in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and forty nine personally appeared in open Court before the Court of Ordinary now sitting, Stephen Griffin a resident of Richland District in the state of South Carolina aged thirty seven years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision of the Acts of Congress passed July 7th 1838, and March 3d 1843: That he is the son and heir at law of Patience Griffin deceased who was the widow of Gideon Griffin deceased who entered the service of the United States under the following named Officers and served as herein stated: That said Gideon Griffin dec’d was a regular Continental soldier: That he enlisted under Colonel William Thomson in the third Regiment of South Carolina on the Continental Establishment in the Companycommanded by Captain Richard Brown in which he served two years and one year afterwards in the Company commanded by Captain George Liddell (sic: George Little) in the Continental service: That said Gideon Griffin dec’d fought in several of the most important battles of the state of South Carolina during the war of the Revolution: That among said battles were those of Savannah Georgia, Stono (sic: Stono Ferry), Monck’s Corner (sic: Monck’s Corner), Cowpens & Eutaw Springs. That he was also in Charleston – These the Declarant recollects hearing his said father Gideon Griffin dec’d speak of having been engaged in: That as to the particular country through which his said father marched the declarant cannot speak with certainty. That he recollects having heard him say he served seven years in said war. That he served out his time and was discharged in Charleston South Carolina but the Declarant cannot produce said Discharge. That in the year 1826 said Griffin was pensioned by the Legislature of South Carolina and died in Richland District where he had ever since this Declarants earliest recollection lived, and died in the same on tenth day of July in the year Eighteen hundred and thirty seven. He further declares that his said mother Patience Griffin deceased was married to the said Gideon Griffin dec’d on the X day of X in the year. |