Gene Tunnell Restaurant later Ida
Robos Drive In
Bucks Drive In
Indian Head Grill
Harold Boggs Restaurant
Blue Moon Café

Gasoline Stations
Glen Gibsons
Bud Hashs
Alvers Baker and Claiborne Freeman
Winifred Baker Garage
Elliott Clark Esso Station
Hosea Osborne Station
Winfred Baker’s Station later
Harold Boggs and Earnest Dorton Gulf

Old Virginia Motel
Ida Tate’s Motel
Travelers Rest Motel

The first television belonged to
Chester and
Icy Stapleton.
They lived a short way up Birchfield.
Many people in the neighborhood would
there to watch this wonderful invention. One time I remember was a
between Jersey Joe Walcott and someone
have forgotten.
The house was full and overflowed onto
porch and the hillside.
All the lights had to be turned off
there was so much snow on the screen. This caused quite a bit of
excitement on Indian Creek.

Bud and
Mary Hash
has the first telephone on Indian Creek, it was located in their
store. I remember during World War 11, my father would call and someone
would come to our house with the message that a phone call has been
My mother would rush to the store and she would call the operator
and she would call my daddy and connect the phone service.
My family has a telephone installed
my daddy returned from World War 11. He always kept a good
when any of the women in the neighborhood were ready to go to Norton to
the hospital to have their babies, they would send a family member to
ahead from our house and daddy would provide the transportation.
called it “going on a Granny Run.”

Cossie Mullins Jr. and later the
Taylors from
further down Indian Creek showed movies on Wednesday nights at Hash’s
You could see one movie and sometimes
get a bag of popcorn for twenty-five
Mullins Drive in Movie, This was built
Coney Mullins and
his son Jim Ed Mullins, it was only in
for a short time, later became a used car lot. This is where I went on
my first “date” and Roger Bolling invited me to go to the drive in
Easter play practice at our church the Indian Creek Freewill Baptist
We didn’t go alone. We had a car load, my brother Ronnie Clark,
brother Gary Bolling and my cousin Peggy Sue Adkins. This was in 1954.
I cannot remember the title of the movie showing that night but that
we enjoyed the chance to go.

Apple Houses
“Hop” Hopkins, his wife Mallee,
their children
were Ellis, Robert, Gloria, James and Delores built an Apple House and
sold the apples they raised on their farm in the Hurricane section of
County. It is still in operation.

Burial Customs
I ask my great-aunt Bertie Adkins
about burial customs.
This is what she told me.
When a person died the mirrors were
or turned to the wall, the windows were opened, the clocks were stopped
and clothing was not changed until the burial was over. The neighbors
in to “lay them out.” They washed the body, put their burying clothes
rubbed their face and hands with camphor, placed coins on their eyes,
a cloth under their chin and around their head. The men of the
dug the grave and made the casket, until it was finished boards
placed between two chairs and the body was laid on it so it would
The family and friends would gather
at the
home of the deceased and “sit up” all night. The neighbor women would
food to feed the family and those spending the night. Sometimes a
person would “stand up” for their loved one, that is they never sat
this showed a deep devotion for the deceased. A church service
usually held the night before the funeral. If there were flowers in
some would be gathered and placed on the casket, if not then greenery
a sprig from a house plant would be pinned to their clothes.

Families Living on
Indian Creek
1940 to 1955
Starting at the top
of Indian
Mountain following Route 23 North
Darrell Salyers
Johnny Martin Kilgore
Thurman and Violet Hall Wheatley
Banner Day
Ora Salyers
Willie and Cassie Turner
Sarah Perry
Carl and Mildred Freeman Willis
Earl and Bertha Cox Freeman
Fay and Helen Powers Freeman
Willie and Artha Freeman Kinder
Worley and Earthel Collins Mullins
Joe Carter
Clay and Nell Stapleton Collins
Harry and Mildred Peak Short
Russell and Edna Riner Hubbard
Hubert and Mildred Robinson Whitaker
Scott and Lillie Robinson
Susan and Leola Riner
Adam Hill
Vernard and
Stanley Collins
Oma and Ida Gibson
Patty and Cora hash Kilgore
Paul and Frankie Gibson
Glen and Gladys Hash Gibson
Willie and Sarah Riner Suggs
Johnny and Julia Smith Riner
Robert and Ruby Bailey Riner
Webster and Kate Bevins Riner
Otis and Susie Riner Cox
Conard and Mable Hubbard Bolling
Arthur Patton
Bud and Mary
Fred and Leora Belcher Hash
Earl and Mae Hicks Adkins
and Bertie Adkins Freeman
and Violet Baker Clark
Stone Garage
T.J. and Dorothy Collins Williams
Baxter and Eura Hamilton Bolling
Arlin and Hazel Powers
William and Julia Stout Hamilton
Russell and Nell Robinson Williams
Earlin and Dora Lane Baker
Matthew Robinson
Lonnie and Edna Day Sturgill
Emory Phillips
Worley and Callie Stallard Dickenson
Denver and Myrtle Henry Short
Kenneth and Barbara Riner Short
Joe and Pauline Tunnell
Minnie Dove
William and Ava Collins Dotson
Homer Dotson
Poley and
Kiser Ison
Everette and Edna Gibson
Burton and Alice Day
Robert and Lillian Kinnish Williams
Fred and Oma Addington Brumitt
Charlie Card
Mr. Walters
Crete and Ina Wright
Eugene Alderson
Red VanHorn
James Clark
Scott West
Mr. Selvey
Dutch Buskell
Ralph and Buelah Huffman
Kermit and Mary Sue Long Deel
Everette and Gladys Lester Presley
Hop and Mallie Hopkins
Stella Bates
John and Tabitha Bolling Dotson
G. T. Francis
Jim Hamilton
Cardin Hensley later his mother Flora
Winfred and Ruth Gentry Baker later
and Ruby Bolling
Thurman and Nola Mullins
Newton and Muriel Baker Cantrell
Jim Ed Swindall
Willie and Josie Mullins
Leonard and Emma Barnette
Tommy Watts
Cecil Green
Johnny and Cora Baker Dotson
Dee and Margie Lambert Baker
James and Missouri Mullins Baker
Cora Meade
Gather Griffith
Guy and Frances Dotson Freeman
Grant and Lillian Slaughter Dotson
Swan amd Ada Boggs
Feirl and Vesta Hamilton Boggs
Oscar and Beulah Meade Sheppard
Chapman Family
Vernoy and Ilene Boggs
Bruce and Ada Mullins Meade
Willie and Rena Meade Dotson
Lloyd and Florence Mullins
Guy and Annetta Williams Mullins
Fred and Beulah Bolling Mullins
Ray and Ollie Killen Buchanan
Mrs. Goldie Craft
Blondie Craft Hurst Whatley
G.C. and Bertha Hale Boggs
Cotton Crawford Family
Joe and Muriel Sheppard
Jim and Janice Boggs Hamilton
Jarvey and Viola Boggs
Alvin and Hettie Cantrell
Tollie Boggs
B.O. Mullins Family
Gorman and Cora Dotson Roberson
Fitzhugh and Tottie Baker Cantrell
M.H. Coffey Family
Edward and Hazel Wright Boggs
J.B. and Oshie Davis
Hibberd and Muphis Isom
Scott Robinson and
Hash Hollow
Melvin Perry Family
Cicero Kilgore Family
Bill Baugh Family
Fred Stallard Family
Ked and
Brummit Mullins Family
Hadley and
Bolling Clark Family
William and Cosby Hash Kilgore Family
Doris Brummitt Boggs Family
Denver and Mary Mullins Family
Otis and Essie Mullins Meade Family
Bob and Cindy Hash
Foster and Thelma Hash Bolling Family
Oscar and Verda Lee Adkins Carter
Carlos and Helen Baker Hash Family
Ed and Jackie Carter Sturgill Family
Mary Riner, widow of Jacob Riner
Leslie and Virginia Collins Addington
Cossie and Grace Addington Mullins
C L and Nina Counts Mullins Family
Irvin and Ora Addington Brummitt
Aunt Lou
Willard Addington
Everett and
Addington Bolling Family
Manuel and Mary Stidham Family
Vencil Collins Family
Arvil and Dewey Short Collins Family
Emory and Hasbie Collins Swanson Family
Hassel and Ruth Short Collins
Jezereal Collins
Olin Collins Family
Back to the main
Indian Creek
Charlie Mullins
Aunt Malissa Peeks Moore
Birchfiled, Riley's
Lacey and Romeda Hibbitts Collins
Dale and Lakie Boggs Holmes
Chester and Icy Stapleton
Ewell and
Gilliam Gentry
Lewis and Virgie Hash Hayes
Alvero and Evelyn Johnson Hayes
Millard and Estelle Perry Mullins
Delbert and Lizzie Hollyfield
Mitchel and Cleo Hayes Bailey
Samuel and Lizzie
Lester and Genola Keith Baker
Ben and Helen Horne Brown
Ambrose and Reabul Powers Hayes
John and Mag Hash Mullins Johnson
Brook and Sally Mullins Keith
Robert Hubbard Family
George Riner Hollow,
Peeks Branch
Frank and Mima Hamilton Powers
Gertrude Powers
Aunt Missouri Powers
Lexie Hamilton Williams
Cornelius and Ruth Williams Horne
Robert and Liza Riner Robinson Mullins
Eddie and Lydia Sturgill Collins Boggs
Back to main road
Raney Maggard Kilgore
Dan and Nell Marshall Adkins
Cox Hollow
Alfred and Lester Collins Boggs
Ed and Ruth Cox Osborne Family
Laura Boggs Hollenbeck
Homer Boggs Family
Henderson Boggs
Wilburn Boggs
Aunt Malissa Adkins Cox
Virgil Cox Family
Melvin and Carrie Addington Cox
Aunt Tabitha Miller Addington
Wilburn and Edith Boggs Cox
Back to main road
Hosea and Dacie Little Osborne
Ray and Ollie Killen Buchanan Family

Indian Creek
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