Published 1915, in New York, by the Lewis Historical Publishing Company. This work is in five volumes. The fourth and fifth volumes are numbered as if they were one, and the index to both is in the fifth volume. I am working on transcribing these volumes. Address comments to me, Jeff Kemp, msgwsc@gmail.com via email. I do not intend mimicking the look of the books. In my original, each page has two columns, which might make reading a long biography cumbersome. Each volume has its own index of the subjects of the biographies. My approach will include transcribing the index first, and then add links to the biographies as their transcription is posted. Volumes I and II convey the history of the state, through the biographies, up to 1861. Volume III brings that up to 1915.
Volumes IV and V are supplemental, and reputed to have been prepared by "staff writers" sometimes from data provided by the families.

WARNING! ... I've been informed that there are many significant "errors in fact" to be found in the biographies included in these volumes. The reader should not take as gospel, the information in the bigraphical sketches, herein. Apparently, Tyler did none of the research into the facts, but merely supervised the preparation of the final results. Perhaps this should be put into the same category as the popular "Heritage Books" of contributory history ???

... You should be aware that the volumes are already "online" in their original format, at books.google.com ...

      A news clipping was pasted into the cover of my copy of the books. It reads:

Dr. Lyon G. Tyler, To Wed Again Despite 70 Years
Marriage to Miss Sue Ruffin, Of Evlynton, Va., Announced For Fall.

      Richmond, Va., Aug. 21, [1923]. -- Dr. Lyon G. Tyler, of Richmond and Williamsburg, and Miss Sue Ruffin, of Charles City county, are to be married this fall, it was learned today. Dr. Tyler is a former president of the College of William and Mary and is a son of John Tyler, tenth President of the United States. He is 70 years old. Miss Ruffin is a daughter of John Ruffin, of Evylinton.
      Dr. Tyler is a widower and is the father of Mrs. James Wilson Southall, of the University of Virginia, and of Mrs. Alfred Miles, wife of Capt. Alfred Miles, U. S. N. John Tyler, a son is a professor at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. His wife, who died a few years ago, was a daughter of Lieut.-Col. St. George Tucker, of the Confederate Army.

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Organization of "Encyclopedia of Virginia Genealogy"