"Links to external web sites are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or approval of any of the products, services or opinions contained in any external web site."
Register your Bath Co. surname/s and email address for other researchers to contact you. Check to see who else is researching your surname.
Surnames For Bath County, Virginia for those of color
To see the People of Color in Old TN- TNGenWeb Project
History of African Americans in the Confederacy
Web Sites of Interest in those of African American
AfriGeneas ~ African Ancestored Genealogy
The web's premier African American genealogy destination. Transcriptions,databases, message boards, chats and much, much more.
African American Cemeteries Online
The oldest and largest African American cemetery transcription site.
Ancient Planters
http://www.ancientplanters.org:80 /links.htm
Old Queries
Queries for 1998 Queries for 1997 Queries for 1996
Mailing List for Bath County, Virginia
There is a list provided by Tim Ciccone which names over two pages of Revolutionary War Soldiers from the Highland (Bath) Co. and Pendleton Co. areas.
Abstracted by Tricia Rippy, Second Transcriber Needed
1850 Bath County, Virginia Census, transcribed for the USGenWeb Census Project
1860 Bath County Census images are now on-line in the USGenWeb Archives
Alternative 1790 and 1800 Federal Censuses for County Tax Lists for Virginia
Bratton Family Cemetery for Bath County, Virginia
Updates to the Bath County Virginia Cemeteries by William Wilson take the Indiana and Other States Databases link.
Virginia World War II Casualties, this is a listing by county of Virginia dead and missing of World War II http://ww w.accessgenealogy.com/worldwar/virginia/index.htm
Bath County, Virginia Welcome Website with an all new look and design geared toward tourism.
Offers to lookup
references in privately held books, are welcomed.
Check out what's already been offered.
If you have any reference material and are willing to help,
please send to the above address, thanks
I Will add Bath County Family name pages as I have time:
The Birds of Bath Co.,VAand other places as they become known
The 1600 Bird Family IT'S ABOUT TIME Vol. 1 compiled by: WILLIAM L. DECOURSEY
The 1700 Bird Family IT'S ABOUT TIME Vol. 2 compiled by: WILLIAM L. DECOURSEY
The 1750 Bird Family IT'S ABOUT TIME Vol. 3 compiled by: WILLIAM L. DECOURSEY
.The 1800 Bird Family IT'S ABOUT TIME Vol. 4 compiled by: WILLIAM L. DECOURSEY
Bird/Byrd/Burd Descendant Chart From My Personal Files
Benjamin Erwin Descendant Chart
Gay Family Descendant Chart from the personal Files of P.G. Viellenave
Hamilton Family Descendant chart from the personal files of P.G. Viellenave
Andrew McCartney Descendant Chart from the personal files of P.G. Viellenave
Please send meyour Bath County Wills Thank You
Bath County Obits I need your obits
Please send your Bath County Obits to be posted here
You can also write to the:
Bath County Court House: P.O. Box 180 Warm Springs VA 24484.
Birth Records from 1853, Marriage Records from 1791, Death Records from 1853 Land, Probate, and Court records from 1791.
Submitted by: David J. McCallister [mail is bouncing please send new address]
Putnam Co WV Genweb Coordinator & Rootsweb Sponsor. Thank you David
Here is data from Ancestry's Redbook about Bath Co courthouse that you can add to your web site.
Date formed 1791 Parent counties: Augusta/Botetourt/Greenbrier
Records held: Birth: 1853 Death: 1853 Marriage: 1791 Land: 1791
Probate: 1791 Court: 1791
Address: P.O. Box 180 Warm Springs VA 24484
I found their tel# on the internet and it is (540) 839-7226 I just called them and the lady there said the charge is .50 per page for uncertified copies. You must include a SASE with a check for the amount. There is no extra charge for out of state requests.
Traveling to Bath County, Virginia
For the Country and Homey stay, my 1st choice (I have never had an unpleasant stay with them todate), you will want to make a visit to the Warm Springs Inn in Warm Springs, Bath Co., VA., see what they have to offer today. Contact them at (540) 839-5351, located at: Route 220, Warm Springs, VA 24484
If you are planning a trip to Virginia and need a list of Hotel/Motels or a Bed & Breakfast Inn, then point your brower to http://www.virtualciti es.com/ons/va/vaonsdex.htm
Historical & Background Items of Interest
Bath County was formed in 1791, from Augusta, Greenbrier and Botetourt County's, the county seat is Warm Springs, Virginia. To learn more about the forming of Bath County and her people, contact the Bath County Historical Society to order the wonderful book they published in 1991, "The Bicentennial History of Bath County, Virginia", see below how to order, if you can make a trip to Warm Springs, you will able to read this wonderful publication at the Bath County Historical Society and meet the two wonderful ladies who work so very hard to make Bath County Historical Society an excellent place to visit, tell Mrs. Connie Metheny and Mrs. Katie Smith I sent you.
Warm Springs, county seat of Bath Co, used two buildings of the Warm Springs Inn, as the courthouse and jail until 1907. The county was named Bath because of the many springs within its boundaries. Another has thought the name came from the town in Bath, England.
Bath County has 545 square miles
Down Home in Millboro, an article in Co-Op living, a local magazine distributed to members of the electrical co-op, written by Margo Oxendine
http://www.co-opliving.com/coopliving/issues/2000/March/pdf/dh_2000Mar.pdf /A>
Vital Statistics Office: Division of Vital Records P.O. Box 1000 Richmond, VA 23208-1000 (804) 786-6228
State Archives: Virginia State Libraries and Archives 800 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219-1905 The Archives reference telephone # 1-804-692-3888.
Genealogical & Historical Societies: Genealogist Research Institute of Virginia P.O. Box 29178 Richmond, VA 23242-0178
Virginia Genealogical Society P.O. Box 7469 Richmond, VA 23221 (804) 285-8954 http://www.vgs.org/
Virginia Historical Society P.O. Box 7311 Richmond, VA 23221-0311 (804) 358-4901
Sergeant Kirkland's Museum and Historical Society, Inc. 912 Lafayette Blvd. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 (540) 899-5565
Vital Statistics Office: Vital Records Section 425 I Street NW Room 3009 Washington, D.C. 20001 (202) 727-5314
A. Keene Byrd Executive Director
P.O. Box 212
Warm Springs, VA 24484
(540) 839-2543
Hours: 10:00am-4:00pm DAYS: Wednesday -Saturday [Call for Winter
Students College age or younger (Free)
Educators and Seniors 62 and over ($15.00
Individuals ($25.00)
Individuals Plus One ($40.00)
Professional/Business Organizations ($50.00)
If you would like to join the Bath County Historical Society or Order one of their publications, there is a membership form and book order form you can print out and send in with your check or money order.
They have several books to help in your Bath County, Virginia Research and more. Drop them a note for a list of all publications or go here for a look at what they have to offer.
Meets (usually) the third Saturday (except summer months and
December) at the Roanoke City Central Library. Their quarterly
publication, Virginia Appalachian Notes, often includes
articles of Bath Co. interest. Membership is $20.00. To join,
P.O. Box 12485, Roanoke, VA 24026-2485
Hackers Creek Pioneer Descendants
Virginia Genealogical Sites
Here will be posted Other Family Reunions submitted to me, be sure and check these out as well
Pocahontas Co.WV Highland Co Greenbrier Co. WV Augusta Co Alleghany Co Nelson Co Rockbridge Co Botetourt Co
Other Virginia sites of Interest
Need to find a Funeral Home listing, check this site out
US Funeral Home Directory on-line
Daphne Gentry Publications and Educational Services Division The Library of Virginia 804-692-3725 #8-97 in an on-line series of Research in Virginia Documents
http://www.lva.li b.va.us/pubserv/vanotes/index.htm
Copyright by The Library of Virginia; re-publication of any part of this essay without written permission is strictly prohibited.
Try this site out (online papers for each state) http://www.newslink.org
The USGENWEB Tombstone Project
Bath County, Virginia Tombstone Project
Want to find those missing folks, lost someone's address, need a phone number, check this site out. Looking for E-mail Addresses?
All information submitted to this project remains to the extent the law allows, the property of the submitter who, by submitting it, agrees that it may be freely copied, but never sold or used in a commercial venture without the knowledge and permission of its rightful owner. The GenWeb Project and the keeper of this page , makes no claim or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence.
Copyright 2020
Updated April-2020