Virginia Success Stories!



Lawrence / Mitchell Genealogy


Lisa Powell
February, 2001
Hi, My name is Lisa Powell. I want to give a great big thank you to US GenWeb and the Wise County site. Thanks to these sites I have located a huge part of my family.
I have been researching the Lawrence and Mitchell surnames from the Wise County Virginia area for almost 6 years. A couple weeks ago I came across the list of peoples names that are searching particular Surnames. I have been to that page numerous times, looked at the people's names and e-mails, but never went ahead and e-mailed. That day a couple weeks ago, I did it. I e-mailed every Lawrence and every Mitchell researcher and low and behold the e-mails were pouring in.

I was lucky enough to find 1st cousins. 3 of them as a matter of fact, and now I hear from not only them but their kids also. Their mother was my Dads sister, and she left Virginia at age 14, my Dad was only 8 at the time and they never saw each other after that. Unfortunately Dad's sister has passed on and Dad is suffering from Alzheimer's, but the family has once again reunited in honor of them.  Good luck everyone, and don't give up, USGenWeb and the county sites are great places to find information.