CSA Pension App Index

Leon County CSA Pension Files Index


File number, Soldier's Name, Service Unit, Widow (if named), Year of Claim

A00691, ALLEN, William H., 5th Bttn Cav, Eliza (Dugger), 1904
A06271, ALLIGOOD, George, 10th Regt Inf, , 1903
A02753, ALLIGOOD, Isaac, Home Guard, Eliza (Boatwright), 1916
A00693, ALLIGOOD, William, lst Regt Inf Resv, Caroline (--), 1903
A10180, AMOS, Joseph Williams, 15th Conf Cav, Nannie (Harrison), 1904
Al1995, ANDERS, John Alexander, 2nd Regt Cav, , 1907
A01995, ANDREWS, Edward D., 4th Regt Inf, Mary (Hartsfield), 1903
A08865, APPLEYARD, Thomas J., Navy Srv, , 1929
A06450, ASHLEY, Ludwick, lst Regt Cav, , 1898
A00692, ATKINSON, Wiley L., 5th Regt Inf, Elizabeth (Giddens), 1887
D21123, AVERITT, J.L., lst Regt Inf Resv, M. (Brown), 1915
A05823, AVERITT, Walter H., 5th Regt Inf, , 1897
A07645, BANNERMAN, Charles Washington, 5th Regt Inf, , 1887
D24128, BARBER, Moses W., 2nd Regt Cav, Jennie (King), 1906
Al1392, BAREFOOT, Thomas B., 5th Regt Inf, Sarah (McGoldrick), 1907
A07018, BARINEAU, Benjamin Mosely, Home Guard, , 1903
D01946, BARINEAU, John C., Home Guard, Rebecca J. (--), 1898
A12990, BARR, James M., 5th Regt Inf, , 1887
A02931, BARTON, John M., Home Guard, Laura (Smith), 1903
A06673, BAUM, John H., lst Regt Inf Resv, , 1916
D17025, BEANE, Horace, Arty Units, Martha (--), 1907
D17025, BEANE, Horace, Arty Units, Martha (--), 1907
A02305, BEARD, William K., lst Regt Iiif, Setitia (Shepard), 1907
A10808, BERNARD, J.T., 8th Regt Inf, , 1907
A00737, BERNREUTER, Henry, Arty Units, Florida (Hogue), 1907
A00737, BERNREUTER, Henry, Arty Units, Florida (Hogue), 1907
A01594, BILLINGSLY, Henry C., 2nd Regt Inf, Martha (Hall), 1900
A04650, BLAIR, Joseph, Georgia, Mary (Mathis), 1920INSERT
Al1766, BLAKE, Isham M., 5th Regt Inf, , 1899
A11041, BLAKE, Walter Richard, 5th Regt Inf, , 1907
A04875, BLALOCK, H.J., 5th Bttn Cav, Annie (Carroll), 1921
A11042, BOATWRIGHT, Benjamin John Rob, 5th Regt Inf, , 1907
D24061, BOSWELL, Franklin P., North Carolina, , 1927
D24061, BOSWELL, Franklin P., North Carolina, , 1927
A00689, BOYD, William H., lst Regt Inf Resv, Florida (Tubberville), 1897
A01332, BRASWELL, M.M., 2nd Regt Cav, Mary (Barrington), 1907
A01978, BREVARD, Theodore M., 2nd Regt Inf, Mary (Call), 1907
Al1678, BRITT, Amos, lst Regt Cav, Ellen (--), 1887
A00009, BRITTON, Jonathan W., lst Regt Inf, Mary (--), 1907
A12118, BRYAN, Joseph L., 5th Regt Inf, Eliza (--), 1907
A03576, BRYAN, William Butler, Georgia, Amanda (McArthur), 1908
A07644, BULLARD, Alfred Moor, North Carolina, , 1908
A12293, BURNS, Michael, 5th Regt Inf, Elizabeth (Geddir), 1908
A00887, BURROUGHS, Edwin W., 5th Bttn Cav, Mary (Chaires), 1907
D22216, BUTLER, Nathan W., 5th Regt Inf, Maggie (Herring), 1908
A03733, CARM, Julius M., Georgia, Laura (Braswell), 1907
A01944, CAUSSEAUX, William W., lst Regt Inf Resv, Elizabeth (Ferrell), 1903
A04288, CAY, John David, Georgia, Georgia (Winn), 1907
A02967, CHAIRES, Samuel P., 2nd Regt Inf, Mary (Hill), 1906
A00888, CHAMBERS, C.C., lst Regt Inf Resv, Mary (--), 1904
A10212, CHAMBERS, Patrick B., Arty Units, Bessie (Hopkins), 1903
A00885, CHARLES, Benjamin C., 5th Bttn Cav, Ella (Burroughs), 1907
A04397, CLARK, Asa B., Navy Srv, Nellie (DeMilly), 1917
A06540, CLARK, Erastus Wilson, 5th Regt Inf, , 1907
A10280, CLARK, Henry, Georgia, Susan (Weldon), 1932
A06994, COBB, John P., North Carolina, , 1907
A08771, COE, Thomas L., pension by Leg. Act, , 1927
A04025, COLLINS, William C., Texas, Smithie (Perryman), 1914
A11039, COMBS, Alphonso R., Arty Units, , 1900
A11774, CONDELARY, Peter, 6th Regt Inf, Elizabeth (--), 1899
A11040, CONNER, James B., 5th Regt Inf, , 1907
A07643, COSTA, Thomas, Arty Units, , 1904
A03981, COX, William Jasper, Georgia, Rhoda (Carter), 1913
A00696, CROMARTIE, Alexander G., Arty Units, Claudia (Reynolds), 1904
A00690, CROWDER, Asa H., 5th Bttn Cav, Mary (Williams), 1898
A12634, CRUMP, John R., Home Guard, , 1901
A11768, CUNNINGHAM, Joseph H., South Carolina, Sarah (--), 1897
A02195, DAMON, Franklin Pierce, W. FL Cadets, Alice (Perry), 1919
D13236, DAMON, Herman F., Indpt Units, , 1908
Al1391, DAVIS, William E., Navy Srv, Mary (Geddie), 1904
A10096, DEMILLY, Henry Ware, Indpt Units, Kate (Graham), 1929
A80871, DEMILLY, John Frederick, Arty Units, , 1907
A05383, DEMILLY, Louis L., lst Regt Inf, , 1903
A10583, DEMILLY, Walter A., lst Regt Inf Resv, Georgia (Cay), 1959
A01840, DUNCAN, Joshua, 3rd Regt Inf, Elizabeth (Holtzclaw), 1886
A00417, DUNCAN, William, 3rd Regt Inf, Sarah (Clayton), 1902
D23110, DUPREE, Amanda (Robertson), no service shown, , 1927
A03894, DURANT, Alexander W., South Carolina, Sarah (Moore), 1909
A12494, EARNEST, James M., 5th Regt Inf, Polly (--), 1903
A00886, EDMONDSON, Joseph A., Arty Units, Louisa (Dawson), 1907
A00688, EPPES, Nicholas Ware, 5th Regt Inf, Susan (Bradford), 1907
A04023, EUBANKS, Isaac Martin, Georgia, Nancy (Hartsfield), 1904
A00685, FAIRCLOTH, Joshua, 3rd Regt Inf, Nancy (Dyes), 1908
D05841, FARRIOR, John L., Home Guard, , 1903
A02329, FARRIOR, John Lannard, Arty Units, Lenora (Holland), 1907
A12967, FELKEL, Daniel C., 5th Regt Inf, , 1889
A00686, FENNELL, Alexander M., 10th Regt Inf, Mary (--), 1905
Al1725, FERRELL, Daniel W., 5th Bttn Cav, Nancy M.(--), 1899
A00687, FERRELL, W.B., lst Regt Inf Resv, Annie (Wiggins), 1899
A02021, FLETCHER, Richard, 2nd Regt Cav, Allie (Smith), 1899
A00028, FLOYD, George C., 2nd Regt Cav, Lou (Daniel), 1903
A05382, FOOTMAN, George Nathaniel, 2nd Regt Inf, , 1903
A12970, FORD, Thomas, Indpt Units, , 1885
A10572, FOUNTAIN, John I., 5th Regt Inf, Sarah (Yates), 1905
A02298, GAMBLE, Robert Howard, Arty Units, Angelica (Robinson), 1908
Al1659, GEDDIE, Joseph B., Arkansas, Elizabeth (--), 1899
D16280, GIBBS, George Granger, Georgia, , 1907
A02320, GILCHRIST, Leigh Reid, 3rd Regt Inf, Francine (Felkel), 1921
A03365, GLOVER, Nathan F., Alabama, Emma (Martin), 1903
A02068, GORMAN, Robert Berry, 5th Regt Inf, Florence (Blake), 1903
A02461, GRAMLING, David F., Arty Units, Edna (Oliver), 1907
A02096, GRAY, Edward, 5th Regt Inf, Eliza (Moody), 1903
A02557, GRAY, William R., Arty Units, Nonnie (--), 1913
A00683, GREEN, George W., Arty Units, Artie (Alderman), 1908
A05696, GRISSETT, Elias Cornelias, 5th Regt Inf, , 1907
A02007, GWALTNEY, William R., Arty Units, Mary (Hines), 1914
A01424, HALE, Thomas H., Home Guard, Margie (McEachin), 1904
A02721, HALL, John Lewis, North Carolina, Eliza (Helper), 1926
A02508, HALL, Thomas T., 5th Bttn Cav, Mary (Jones), 1907
D06149, HAMLIN, Weld, lst Regt Inf Resv, , 1904
A02252, HANDLEY, George W., 2nd Regt Cav, Caroline (Dempsey), 1920
D16274, HARBERT, Ephriam Crockett, Tennessee, , 1907
D19421, HARE, Mathew, Home Guard, , 1907
A08393, HARTSFIELD, William J., lst Regt Inf Resv, , 1915
A01895, HARVEY, James R., Home Guard, Zilpha (Hale), 1913
D23123, HAWKINS, Eugene, no service shown, , 1927
A03963, HAYES, James T., Georgia, Mary (Hadley), 1903
A04973, HELMS, J.W., Georgia, P. (Newberry), 1924
A04942, HERRING, Benjamin Simms, Navy & Virginia, Rosalie (Reynolds), 1924
A01661, HERRING, Henry Clay, 10th Regt Inf, Bettie (Fisher), 1907
A12946, HIGHTOWER, Richard B., 5th Regt Inf, Catherine (--), 1897
A00682, HINES, James W., 5th Regt Inf, Cornelia (Hay), 1908
A00681, HOUSTOUN, Patrick, Arty Units, Martha (Bradford), 1907
A08913, HUGHES, Joseph, Georgia, , 1931
A02409, HUMPHRESS, John Houston, 2nd Regt Cav, Mary (King), 1907
A02180, HUTTON, Thomas Jefferson, Arty Units, Lucy (Billingsley), 1907
Al1993, ISLER, John F., 5th Regt Inf, Nancy (--), 1907
A02104, ISLER, Nathaniel M., 5th Regt Inf, Lorah (Manning), 1907
A00680, ISLER, Thomas J., 5th Regt Inf, Mary (Wiggins), 1888
D19903, JENKINS, Chestley J., Indpt Units, Mary (Hudson), 1899
A08148, JOHNSON, George Washington, Home Guard, , 1907
A01331, JOHNSON, Noel, lst Regt Inf, Matilda (Dixon), 1903
A00679, JONES, Alfred, Arty Units, Eliza (Billingsley), 1903
A07015, JOYNER, John Caswell, Indpt Units, , 1907
D19222, JOYNER, John F., Georgia, Elizabeth (Davis), 1913
A02574, JOYNER, William Benjamin, lst Regt Inf Resv, Elizabeth (Joyner), 1907
D02012, LAMB, John B., lst Regt Inf Resv, Sallie (--), 1897
A01980, LEE, James, Arty Units, Susan (Alford), 1907
A07638, LEE, William James Rodgers, South Carolina, , 1907
A01979, LONG, Richard C., lst Bttn Spc Cav, Cora (Gamble), 1907
A11746, MacLEOD, John Bradley, lst Regt Cav, , 1900
Al1574, MATHES, Benjamin Newton, Tennessee, Nannie '(Chandler), 1907
A10807, MAXWELL, D.B., 2nd Regt Cav, , 1902
A01113, MAXWELL, John W., 2nd Regt Cav, Martha (Reeves), 1901
A00758, MAXWELL, Richard B., lst Regt Cav, Leila (Morgan), 1902
A00677, McCOLLUM, E.S., 2nd Regt Inf, Nancy (--), 1097
A03363, McGRIFF, P.A., Georgia, Susan (Harvin), 1903
A00678, McINTOSH, W.M., Qtr Mstr Corps, Sarah (Durham), 1908
A04209, McKINNON, Patrick W., Georgia, Martha (Anderson), 1915
A12770, MOBLEY, Robert S., 3rd Regt Inf, Mary (--), 1903
A00986, MONTFORD, Joshua, Arty Units, Sarah (Baum), 1903
A01164, MOORE, Thomas R., 2nd Regt Cav, Elizabeth (Scott), 1907
A12279, MOORE, Walter T., Arty Units, , 1909
A11038, MOREL, Louis Bryan, Georgia & Virginia, , 1908
A12900, MYERS, Oscar A., Georgia, , 1901
A00965, NASH, John W., 5th Regt Inf, Emma (Taylor), 1903
A05796, NAZWORTH, James Thomas, Georgia, , 1907
Al3027, NICHOLS, Elijah, 2nd Regt Inf, , 1885
A01781, NICHOLSON, Malcom, 6th Regt Inf, Martha (Smith), 1915
Al1389, OLIVER, James, 5th Regt Inf, Victoria (McEachin), 1903
A07019, OWENS, Robert Warren, Arty Units, , 1907
A07637, OWENS, Thomas W., 2nd Regt Cav, , 1907
A10569, OXFORD, Daniel A., Georgia, Mary (Winchester), 1946
A02073, PAGE, Benjamin F., 5th Regt Inf, Nannie (McDaniel), 1899
A11037, PAROTT, William Benjamin, 6th Regt Inf, , 1904
A13032, PERKINS, John Day, 2nd Regt Inf, Joanna (Wilson), 1887
A10511, PERKINS, John W., Mississippi, Sally (--), 1939
A08478, PERKINS, William W., Indpt Units, , 1919
A05740, POWELL, James Miner, Texas, 1907
A11388, PURVIS, John N., 5th Regt Inf, Adaline (Key), 1899
A10567, QUAILE, William F., Indpt Units, Myrtle B. (Morris), 1922
A12029, RANDOLPH, T.H., 2nd Regt Cav, , 1907
A02731, RAWLS, William Andrew, Indp Units, Mary (Flagg), 1923
A10189, REGISTER, George F., 5th Bttn Cav, Annie (Fitzgerald), 1931
A11719, REVELL, Sydney E., 5th Regt Inf, Mary E. (--), 1899
A12433, RICHARDS, Jacob D., llth Regt Inf, Mary A.(--), 1903
A02911, RIDER, James Henry, Missouri, Mattie (Leech), 1928
A03181, RIVERS, Fredrick William, South Carolina, Caroline (Chaplin), 1907
A12021, ROBERTS, John P., 3rd Regt Inf, , 1907
A12384, ROBERTSON, David J., 5th Bttn Cav, Elizabeth (--), 1903
A01982, ROBERTSON, William F., Arty Units, Katie (Bannerman), 1907
A11036, ROBISON, Larkin, 5th Regt Inf, , 1899
Al1387, ROZEAR, John L.B., Alabama, Rebecca (Berry), 1898
A00676, RUSSELL, Zadoc, lst Regt Inf Resv, Helen (Freeman), 1904
A01961, SANDERS, John D., Arty Units, Phoebe (Starkweathers), 1917
A05376, SANDERS, Wright W., 2nd Regt Inf, 1902
A08834, SAXON, George W., Home Guard, 1928
A00309, SCOTT, Allen, 5th Regt Inf, Martha (Hand), 1903
A00673, SEXTON, Green, 6th Regt Inf, Ruth (Durden), 1899
A01977, SHINE, Richard A., 5th Regt Inf, Laura (Fisher), 1917
A00674, SMITH, Edward C., Arty Units, Florida (Horger), 1907
A00672, SMITH, George W., llth Regt Inf, Mary (Handley), 1901
A08161, SMITH, John W., Georgia, , 1913
A00884, SNIPES, William T., 5th Regt Inf, Mary (Willis), 1904
A00501, STAFFORD, Joseph E., 10th Regt Inf, Nancy (Gamins), 1898
A06267, STAFFORD, S.T., Arty Units, , 1903
A06266, STRICKLAND, A.J., 2nd Regt Cav, , 1904
A11478, STRICKLAND, Nathan W., 5th Regt Inf, Laura (Basewood), 1904
D06427, TAYLOR, W.R., 15th Conf Cav, , 1904
D02139, TAYLOR, William T., 15th Conf Cav, , 1899
A01316, THOMAS, John L., Arty Units, Emily (Ferrell), 1907
A02226, THOMAS, William Henry, 6th Regt Inf, Mary (Holley), 1903
A02137, TOMLINSON, Samuel Reese, Georgia-2nd Regt, Ida (Laird), 1899
A10468, TULLY, William C., 2nd Regt Cav, Ola (Hawes), 1907
A03949, VABON, William Isaac, Georgia, Jane (Beasley), 1907
A11752, VAN BRUNT, Francis S., 5th Regt Inf, Elizabeth (--), 1899
A01205, VAUSE, John E., 3rd Regt Inf, Penelope (Baker), 1903
A13049, VINSON, Josiah, Sth Regt Inf, , 1889
A12892, WALKER, W.A., no service shown, , 1901
A00010, WARDEN, Peter Lindsay, 2nd Regt Inf, Florida (Wilson), 1908
A10055, WATSON, Albert G., Alabama, Emma (--), 1929
A11386, WHITEHEAD, Amos, 2nd Regt Inf, Margaret (Bradford), 1899
A00671, WHITLEY, Thomas S., 5th Regt Inf, Fannie (Richardson), 1907
A13051, WIGGINS, Daniel, 5th Regt Inf, , 1887
A12728, WILFORD, John H., 5th Regt Inf, , 1902
D02007, WILKES, Hardy A., South Carolina, , 1899
D19078, WILLIAMS, R.W., Louisiana, Virginia (Sutton), 1913
A06265, WILLIAMSON, John Alexander, South Carolina, , 1907
A01102, WILLIS, David L., 2nd Regt Inf, Eliza (Saxon), 1897
A11979, WILSON, Joseph D., Navy Srv, Mary (Welford), 1907
A02286, WOODARD, Little H., 2nd Regt Cav, Mary (Groover), 1921
A01809, WOODWARD, Alfred L., 5th Bttn Cav, Mary (Scott), 1907


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