Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Contributed by Mike Petrie

Sheboygan Press - Thursday - June 27, 1912 - P. 1 - C. 3

Lad Accidently Shoots His Mother

Mrs. Fred Dannies lies in a critical condition at her home two and a half miles southeast of Adell as a result of being accidently shot in the forehead by her 17 year old son while the later was examining a 22-rifle, Tuesday evening. The lad had been shooting birds around his home and had seated himself on the porch. His mother had stepped on the porch and walked toward him, when suddenly the hammer of the gun was tripped in some way and the firearm went off, the bullet entered Mrs. Dannies forehead. Medical aid was summoned and the last reports received midnight, report her condition as most serious. Her recovery is reported as doubtful. Mrs. Dannies is more than fifty years old and has a large family. The son is prostrated.

Transcribed & Contributed by Mike Petrie

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