Farmer Near To Death
Mr. Henry Lemkuil who resides southwest of Sheboygan Falls is lying unconscious at his home suffering from a fractured
skull sustained Tuesday noon when he fell thirty feet.
Mr. Lemkuil was on the silo when he slipped and fell a distance of thirty feet striking his head. Here he was found by
members of the family and removed to the house. Dr. Pfiefer of the Falls was summoned. It was ascertained that his skull
was fractured. Unless there is a change for the better an operation will be performed.
Mr. Lemkuil had an early dinner Tuesday and went out to the silo to do some work. When his son went out a few minutes
later he found his father lying on the ground near the silo unconscious. Little hopes are entertained for his recovery.
Copyright 1997 - 2005 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved