Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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This Marriage was contributed by: Kay




Breakfast At Home Of Bride's Mother Follows Ceremony - Groom Physician And Surgeon

Miss Florence T. O'Brien, of this city, and Gr. George T. Hegner, of Appleton, were married at 8 o'clock this morning at St. Patrick's church, the ceremony being performed by Rev. T. J. Cosgrove. They were attended by Miss Genevieve King, of Milwaukee, a cousin of the groom, and William O'Brien, a brother of the bride. Miss O'Brien wore a blue silk suit and a white picture hat. She wore a corsage bouquet of white roses and carried a prayer book. Miss King also wore a blue silk suit and white hat and wore a corsage bouquet of pink sweet peas.

After the ceremony a five course breakfast was served at the home of the bride's mother, 121 West Follett street. Covers were laid for twenty-five, the company being composed of relatives. Those who assisted in serving were: Miss Joanna Sheridan, Miss Elizabeth Neville, Miss Mayme Donovan and Miss Lucile Annen. The color scheme in the dining room decorations was pink and white and cut flowers were used.

Dr. and Mrs. Hegner left today for a trip south, planning to be away until about the first of August. They will make their home in Appleton and will be at home to their friends after Aug. 1.

Dr. Hegner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hegner, of Cudahy. He is a practicing physician and surgeon at Appleton, having been located there the past two years. He is a graduate of Marquette university, Milwaukee. His bride is the daughter of Mrs. Margaret O'Brien, 121 West Follett street and has always lived here. She graduated from the local high school and for the past several years has been employed as a bookkeeper at the Dana & Worm drug store. That both have a large circle of friends was evidenced by the large array of beautiful gifts presented to them and which includes, among other things, furniture, cut glass, hand decorated china and linen.

Guests who were here from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. William Hegner, Cudahy; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King and daughter, Miss Genevieve, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Quin and daughter, Bessie, Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs Frank Donovan and daughter, Mayme, Friendship; and Miss Lucile Annen, Chicago. (1914)

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