Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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This marriage was contributed by: Jerry Head

Sheboygan Press - Thursday - August 3, 1961 - p. 17

Wedding Of Susan Lieding, Robert Schrameyer Is Held
{With Photo of Bride}

The marriage of Miss Susan Lieding and Robert R. Schrameyer was solemnized Saturday in a 5 o'clock ceremony at St. Mark Lutheran Church.

A double-ring service performed by the Rev. Louis Huber united the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. Lieding, 1217 North Ave. and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Schrameyer, 2505 North Ave.

Mr. Lieding escorted his daughter and presented her in marriage in a setting enhanced with all-white altar bouquets, candelabra and ferns. Pews were marked with bows for the occasion.

An uncle of the bride, William Graefe Jr., contributed two solos – `The Lord's Prayer' by Malotte and `Wedding Prayer' by Dunlap.

Two sisters of the bride assisted her as bridesmaids, the Misses Mary Lou and Linda Lieding joining Miss Betty Louisier, the maid of honor, in the procession. Their ensembles were peacock blue chiffon frocks topped with matching jeweled crowns finished with short veils. The style featured draped cowl neckline, a full shirred skirt and a panel stemming from a small bow at the back and caught, harem-style, at the hem. Their colonial bouquets were fashioned of pale yellow roses, feathered white carnations and filicifolia greens arranged with yellow satin streamers and tulle tufts.

The bride appeared in a flare-skirted ballerina gown of Chantilly lace and orange blossom crown holding a fingertip veil of silk illusion. A scoop neckline and three-quarter length sleeves were details of the bodice. The rose motif of the lace at neckline and hem were handicapped to accent the design. Her crescent bouquet combined yellow roses and stephanotis with garlands of ivy.

Dennis J. Lieding was asked to be best man for his sister's bridegroom and Craig Schrameyer, brother of the principal, was groomsman. Fred Kraemer and James Van Der Puy were ushers.

A reception followed at "99" Hall where 250 relatives and friends greeted the couple.

After a wedding trip through Northern Wisconsin, Mr. and Mrs. Schrameyer are at home at ?? North Ave.

The bride attended North High School and following graduation from that same school, Mr. Schrameyer enrolled at Lakeland College where he will be a sophomore this fall.

Guests here for the nuptials included Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bergmeier of Topeka, Kans., Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berger, Jr. and Miss Josephine Pulcifer of Milwaukee and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Schacht, West Bend.

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