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This Marriage was contributed by: Kay

(Top line missing) popular people was solemnized in one of the prettiest weddings which has taken place at St. Mary's Church for many years.

As the soft strains of the wedding march filled the church the bridal party marched to the altar, led by the bride's maid, Miss Genevieve Clifford, attired in a becoming dress of lavender crepe duchiene, trimmed with clueny lace and spangled trimming and carrying a bouquet of lavender chrysanthemums, followed by Miss Frances Murphy as maid of honor, prettily gowned in brocaded silk of shell color, trimmed with shadow lace and beaded chiffon. Then leaning on the arm of her father came the bride, Miss Kathryn Clifford, who was irresistible in a beautiful bridal creation of beaded chiffon over charmeuse, carrying a shower bouquet of bride's roses and swansonia. At the altar they were met by the groom, Edward Becker, attended by Julius Becker and Nic. Bichler and Father Mueller who celebrated nuptial high mass.

A wedding reception followed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Clifford, the guests including relatives and nearest friends. A delicious wedding dinner was served and the happy couple left at two o'clock via auto for Port Washington from where they started on a trip to California. The bride's going away costume was a blue serge suit with a hat to match.

The bride is a graduate of the Plymouth High School and has been one of the most successful teachers in the county (Sheboygan) for the past eight years. Gifted with a bright intellect, winsome personality and a steadfast character, she has won many friends and exerted influence for good wherever she was. The groom, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Becker of Holy Cross is a successful farmer and also popular in social circles. On their return from their trip, Mr. and Mrs. Becker will make their home on the groom's farm at Holy Cross, while the groom's parents will retire from active farming and probably move to this village. The REPORTER extends congratulations and wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Becker a long, prosperous and happy wedded life.

The out of town guests were: - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stokes of Plymouth; Miss Mary and Julius Becker of Chicago; Miss Margaret Becker of Evanston, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Bowser and children; (Article cut off)

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