(This clipping is torn on the right side, I'm going to take educated guesses
as to what it says - anything NOT there will be in parenthesis)
A marriage of more than p(ure) interest to our citizens was s(olem)nized at
St. Mary's Catholic
ch(urch), Cascade last Tuesday morning. Miss Bessie MacLaughlin, da(ughter)
of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MacL(aughlin) became the bride of Mr. Wm. (Plum)mer of
Galesville, Wis., Rev. (?) performing the ceremony. T(he couple) were
attended by Miss (?) Plummer of Baraboo and Mr. (?) MacLaughlin. The couple
w(ere mo)tored to Oostburg, from wh(ere they) left on a trip to Chicago.
(On their) return they will make their (home in) Galesville, where the groom
(is en)gaged in the furniture business. (He) bears an excellent reputation
and (is) well deserving of the popular yo(ung) lady, whose hand and heart he
(has) been fortunate to win.
The bride is a most estim(able) young lady and no doubt will be (the) medium
of bringing the fullest me(as)ure of happiness to the new hear(th) stone
that the couple have set (down?) She taught school in this county (for) a
number of years and at Ba(?) the last few years and proved (as) efficient in
her work. Coupl(ed with) her capability, she has a dis(position?) that has
won throngs of fri(ends) (for) her wherever she went and (it is) the wish
of all of these, that (?) o'happiness may always be (theirs.)
Copyright 1997 - 2006 by Debie Blindauer
All Rights reserved