Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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This Marriage was contributed by: Kay

MINTON, Albert William - LONG, Mary Ellen


The wedding of Miss Mary Ellen Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Long of Waldo, to Mr. Albert William Minton of Milwaukee, formerly of Menasha, took place at 10:30 o'clock Thursday morning at St. Mary's church, Cascade. The nuptial mass was celebrated by the Rev. J.H. Fisher. The bride wore a white embroidered marquisette voile and a large white hat trimmed with white ostrich plumes. Her flowers were pink rosebuds. Miss Lillian Rosewell of Chicago attended the bride as maid of honor and wore white embroidered ratine voile over pink Dresden silk and a white satin Tam O'Shanter hat, trimmed with aigrettes and a bouquet of yellow roses. Miss Grace Ogle of Waldo attended as bridesmaid and wore a light blue charmeuse, trimmed with cream fluting and a cream chip hat trimmed with white ostrich plumes. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses. Mr. Ernest Minton, brother of the groom of Menasha, and Mr. Ignatius Skelton of Madison served the groom as best men.

A wedding breakfast was served at the residence of the bride's parents and an informal reception followed. The guests from away were Mr. M. Long and Mrs. Ernest Minton of Menasha, Misses Grace King, Kathryn Murphy and Cathryn Hughes of Milwaukee, Miss Marian Minton, Minneapolis, Mr. Ignatius and Miss Agnes Skelton of Madison and Miss Lillian Rosewell of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Minton left for a short tour on the northern lakes. After Oct. 1st, they will be at home in Milwaukee.

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