Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Source: Unknown

Family Reunions

Homecoming and Reunion Sunday Attracts Hundreds of Former Residents

Unqualified success attended the homecoming and picnic at Parnell Sunday. In spite of the heat, which was intense, hundreds of old Parnell and Mitchell residents, and friends of present residents of the community, attended, some from great distances. It was a genuine reunion, a renewal of friendships and acquaintanceships. A restoration of home ties. The Rev. Father Regan and the members of his congregation outdid themselves in providing entertainment. The Campbellsport band played a continuous concert throughout the day. The ladies of the congregation served dinner and the extent of the response to the homecoming invitation probably can best be seen in the fact that dinner was served to 1,200 people.

The address by the Hon. Frank Rooney of Appleton was a crowning feature.

The homecoming was arranged for under the capable direction of Father David Regan, pastor of St. Michael's Catholic church. He was assisted by the members of his congregation who worked faithfully to make it the splendid success that it was. A splendid spirit of cooperation was shown to exist between the pastor and the congregation.

Harvey's Grove, opposite the church grounds, was the scene of the picnic. It was a scene of a most happy gathering of old-time friends and of relatives from far and near. It was a reunion of friends who had not met for years. It was a meeting of people who [there is a picture of Father Regan here] had grown up in the town of Mitchell and had gone to other places to live. Days of "Auld Lang Syne" were frequently recalled.

All the former residents who possibly could availed themselves of the opportunity to again visit the scene of their childhood days. Many happy memories were brought to mind. The day was a happy one for all who participated and will frequently be recalled.

Much credit is due the pastor, Rev. Father David Regan, who for weeks back has unceasingly worked to make the homecoming and picnic the success that it was.

The ladies and men of the congregation most notably assisted him. No time or effort was spared in getting ready for the picnic. The large crowd was most hospitably received and entertained throughout the day.

The dinner was served beneath the beautiful trees, which covered with their heavy green foliage, made a pretty setting. The prettily decorated tables were loaded with the delicious eats. The dinner was served and arranged by the following committee: Mesdames Mike Gaynor, A. O'Connell, Mike Slattery, Will Wals, Joseph Reilly, Tom Butler and Margaret Michaels. They were assisted by the other ladies of the congregation in serving the dinner. Every member prepared his or her share of the dinner and helped.

Around the grounds were arranged ice cream and soft drink stands. Large booths were arranged for the fancy articles and aprons which were sold. The bazaar also was very successful. Many pretty and useful articles were disposed of.

At 1 o'clock a splendid address was delivered by Hon. Frank Rooney of Appleton. Mr. Rooney was a former Mitchell boy and member of St. Michael's congregation. In fact, he was born and raised in Mitchell. After completing the education he located at Appleton.

Mr. Rooney said in part:

"When asked by Father Regan to speak I consented, but when the hot wave came I was about to break the engagement but remembered I belong to a race that does not run. But they are eception (sic)to rule. This reminds me of a story of the Battle of Bull Run. When rebels broke in many ran back, but later when Pat was asked why he did so he said 'Faith and those that didn't are there yet.'

"This is indeed a most pleasurable occasion and to meet my old-time friends and former associates.

"I was born and raised here and for years made my home among the hills of Mitchell and if there is one spot in God's world I have a warm spot for it is Mitchell. It seems but yesterday that I was here. But now when I see the boys of yesterday and their heads of gray. - I never see gray but in others - but they don't grow old in dear old Mitchell.

"There is one sad and pathetic thought, the grand old men and women that met every Sunday in the church on the hill have gone.

"We must carry on and be true Americans. Can you answer the question: 'Are you living the life taught you at your mother's knee?'

"We must make our country be proud of us and not do anything to dishonor our flag that protects us. Never do a wrong. Many happy memories are recalled when we think of the old settlers who never shirked their duty. If not for their christian teachings our government would never exist. The unrest and chaos that is spreading among the masses is due to lack of christian teaching. Our first allegiance is to God and our country. Eliminate the paganism and what does not uplift mankind. In all things teachings of church must be reflected. In our great country freedom of thought, press and religion is given us. This is what has made America what she is with the feelings of brotherly love. We must exemplify the teachings by our every-day life. Our government needs the life of christian families. Your duty is to your pastor. Help parochial school. Help clergy. By exemplifying the teachings of God America is made great.

"I wish to close so as not to worry and annoy the crowd. I wish to thank you for this opportunity and the chance to renew old acquaintances. None of Mitchell's former residents have made us ashamed, some have become clergymen, lawyers, etc., and we have no reason to blush for our friends, grand old men and women who have answered the roll and passed on to receive their reward. I thank you for this opportunity most sincerely and hope to meet you again."

Large delegations attended the homecoming from Milwaukee, Sheboygan, West Bend, Campbellsport, Fond du Lac, Plymouth, Port Washington, Appleton and from all the surrounding towns and villages. Among those attending were:

Milwaukee - Mrs. B. Rice, Kitty, Walter, Tom and Harry Rice, Richard Phalen, Mrs. Agnes Lynch and daughter, Maria, Mr. and Mrs. L. Doyle, Mrs. Peter Keeleyn, Helen and Allen McBride, Mr. and Mrs. Will Westenberg, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonnell, Miss Josephine Regan, Mr. and Mrs. R. Regan, Mortimer Dunn and Mary Genevieve and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Robert May and son, Eddie Hayes.

Appleton - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rooney, Dr. and Mrs. Edward Cooney, Attorney John Morgan and wife.

Adell - Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Slattery, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Hara, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamb.

Batavia - Mr. and Mrs. Benno Wifler.

Cascade - Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schlenter, Mrs. Tom Long, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ninneman, Mr. and Mrs. O. Suemnicht, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schlenter.

Butternut, Wis. - Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schekel, Miss Annie Getrick.

Sheboygan - Father Francis Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. L. Grasse, Fred Calhoun and party, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reiss and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Detling, Martin Denn (Dena?), John Bitter and yarty (sic), Mr. and Mrs. George Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kennedy and party, Joseph Kress.

Plymouth - Hugh Rooney and family, Agnes Rooney, Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Connell, Mr. and Mrs. M. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. A. Zeigler, George and Flo O'Connell, Mrs. F. Zeigler and Miss Zeigler.

Campbellsport - Mr. and Mrs. J. Gilboy, Mr. and Mrs. W J. Murphy.

Sheboygan Falls - Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lamb.

Waldo - Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bear.

Beechwood - Mildred and Louise Nealvey Mr. and Mrs. James Gilboy, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Glass, Miss Emma Glass, Campbellsport: Mrs. Libby Rooney, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rooney, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lin(?)on, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Long.

Transcribed & Contributed by Kay Reitberger

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