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Sheboygan County Deaths Vital Index "Gu - Gz"

* No "corrections" have been made to the original Index, it is transcribed as originally written, Variations from the Index to the record are noted in Brackets { }
* Look for many spelling variations of each surname
* This posting is not intended to be an official document
* Once your family is found, obtain an original copy of the Record from the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds Office for citations and official records

NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the Owner, Debie.

NameDeathdateVol.PageParentsSpouseBirthdateBurial Location
Gudelke, VictorAug. 25, 1893684-335    
Gueckesen, MicholasMay 10, 1898860-356    
Guehna, AnnieDec. 14, 18885185-736    
Guehna, RobertFeb. 27, 19039168-1005    
Guehne, May 7, 18905235-939    
Guenther, AlbertJune 12, 18885125-497    
Guenther, AnnaDec. 9, 18905257-1027    
Guenther, Auguste C.May 29, 1888599-395    
Guenther, Carl A.May 5, 1881330-90    
Guenther, Charles A.May 5, 1881333-97    
Guenther, EmmaMay 26, 18895191-762    
Guenther, Johanne C.Dec. 7, 18895230-919    
Guenther, WilliamFeb. 20, 18864148-443    
Guhl, CarolineJuly 15, 19029101-606    
Guhl, LenchenMay 17, 18885103-410    
Guhlskorf, EdnaMarch 13, 18966405-1618    
Guhlstorf, CarolineAug. 17, 18915378-1510    
Guirink, JohnFeb. 21, 18998128-763    
Gumm, HermanAug. 23, 18771476-476    
Gundersen, AnnaSept. 30, 18885119-476    
Gunderson, Eldred G.Jan. 20, 1902964-380    
Gunderson, JamesSept. 28, 1880336-108    
Gunderson, MaryAug. 10, 1880319-55    
Gunderson, SidonieFeb. 1, 19018350-2086    
Gunderson, TheodoreJan. 18, 1897734-204    
Gunderson, WalterNov. 18, 18905303-1209    
Gunstow, WilliamMarch 2, 18905285-1138    
Gunther, Bertha E. E.Sept. 26, 18905272-1084    
Gunther, BerthaAug. 27, 1893684-333    
Gunther, Ella M. L.June 9, 18915328-1310    
Gunther, FredMarch 23, 18895165-656    
Gunther, HeinrickJune 15, 18875135-135    
Gunther, HermanAug. 37{sic}, 1878230-88    
Gunther, JustineOct. 31, 1901929-169    
Gunther, Mary MarthaApril 24, 19008243-1444    
Gunther, TheodreOct. 27, 18854132-395    
Gust, WilliamAug. 9, 18966423-1690    
Gustermann, July 16, 18854110-329    
Gustine, MagdalenaMarch 29, 18801358-358    
Guteuberger, OscarOct. 19, 1884458-172    
Guthile, FredJuly 12, 1898868-408    
Gutknecht, ChristianDec. 5, 18936129-513    
Gutsch, April 27, 1896735-210    
Gutsch, Jan. 22, 18915304-1214    
Gutsch, July 15, 18895194-773    
Gutsch, AdolphAug. 24, 1897829-172    
Gutsch, AdolphSept. 3, 19039203-1213    
Gutsch, AlbertineSept. 13, 186716-15    
Gutsch, BarbaraNov. 17, 18885183-731    
Gutsch, EstellaFeb. 23, 1888594-373    
Gutsch, LeopedJune 26, 19029128-764    
Guyett, Arthur M.Sept. 15, 18988106-636    
Guyett, MariaMay 14, 18998171-1010    
Guyn, TimothyMay 26, 18966409-1634    
Gwemer, William P.Aug. 9, 18946165-658    
Gwynn, BridgetMarch 30, 18998152-898    

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