Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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This article was contributed by Kay Reitberger

Source: Wisconsin State Journal - May 20, 1923

There is a photo of Mrs. Eleanore Jung and Mrs. Louise Eisner

Thirty-Four Descendants Attend Birthday Of Twin Mothers

Assemblyman Jacob JUNG of Sheboygan participated Friday, May 4, in the celebration of the 90th birthday of the oldest twins in the nation, one of whom is his mother, Mrs. Eleanore JUNG, the other Mrs. Louise EISNER; and of descendants who joyously felicitated the wonderful couple were six children, 13 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren - 34 in all! The observance was quiet, homey, tender. Governor BLAINE telegraphed his "heartiest congratulations" and a "warm message of good cheer, joy and happiness."

Mrs. JUNG and Mrs. EISNER were born May 4, 1833, in Werningshausen, duchy of Gotha, Germany. Their parents were Heinrich WILKE and Sophie, nee KIRST. When they were about six years old their mother died of typhoid fever at the early age of 42. In 1851 their father came to America with his family, via Hamburg and Quebec.

Sailed Across Ocean

The ship was a sailboat converted from a coal carrier to a passenger vessel. The passage, made in nine weeks, was stormy and marked by many unpleasant incidents. In the English channel the vessel hit rocks and nearly foundered, and out on the high sea a violent storm threatened destruction. During the voyage Mrs. EISNER and Mrs. JUNG, blooming and hopeful, celebrated their 18th birthday.

From Quebec the family proceeded to Buffalo and Chicago, thence by boat to Sheboygan where the father bought a farm in the town of Wilson. Later he turned this farm over to his eldest son, Brigittus, and bought a larger acreage in the town of Mosel, both close to but on opposite sides of Sheboygan. Mrs. JUNG soon went to live with the family of her uncle, Mr. KNOLL, in Sheboygan, where a year later she met and married Jacob JUNG. This was on March 27, 1855, the ceremony occurring in the Lutheran parsonage, Pastor STEINBACH officiating. The young couple lived with the bride's parents until the latter could provide rooms over their wagon shop.

When Mrs. JUNG's father came to Sheboygan, a firm, BROTHERS & JONES was operating a wagon factory on the site of the present JUNG wagon shop, since turned into a garage, and in which factory Jacob Jung, Jr., found employment. Soon after the father bought out the firm.

Change First Name

In a two-story building still standing, the young couple took up their residence soon after marriage, and here their daughter, Eleanore, and their first son, Jacob, now a legislator, were born. The parents were led to believe that the name Eleanore was synonymous in English with Clara, and so the only daughter's name came to be Clara. Next the JUNGS moved into a small, three-room house near and here William and Henry JUNG were born. Later came Otto and Alfred. The couple celebrated their silver wedding anniversary in 1880 and their golden wedding in 1905, in which year, June 2, the husband and father died, aged 74. He was born in Noettingen, district of Pforzheim, grandduchy of Baden, Germany, Oct. 6, 1831. During the many years of his married life Jacob JUNG operated a wagon factory and acquired a comfortable fortune.

Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. JUNG and all are living. They are: Mrs. Theodore KUECHLE, Jacob JUNG, William, Henry, Otto, and Alfred. Jacob, William and Alfred acquired and own the J. & W JUNG department store and Henry and Otto operate the JUNG shoe factory, both most prosperously. Twenty-four grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren are also living descendants of Mrs. JUNG. Five grand-children and three great-grandchildren have died.

Married In 1852

Mrs. EISNER was married on Sept. 7, 1852 to Gottlieb EISNER and until 25 years ago they resided on a farm in the town of Mosel, six miles from Sheboygan, moving then into the city. Mr. EISNER died the year following. Some 15 years ago Mrs. EISNER went to live with her youngest daughter, Mrs. Albert LOGES. She is the mother of 12 children, seven living, five deceased. The living are William, August and Henry, Mrs. Otto ROSENTHAL, Mrs. Henrietta FELD, Mrs. Caroline LOGES, and Mrs. Laura WUNSCH. Deceased children include Mrs. Wilhelmine BEYER, Mrs. August ZELLE, Ferdinand, Robert and Frederick EISNER.

The unions of her children have resulted in the birth of 62 grandchildren who are all living and 47 great-grandchildren, also living, making a total of 109 direct descendants of Mr. and Mrs. EISNER.

The senior JUNG deemed the future of his sons secure when he had Jacob, the oldest, learn his own trade, wagon-making, William, next became a painter, and Harry, the third, a blacksmith - all of course to follow him in the operation of the factory, never suspecting the swift on-coming of the motor car to effect a speedy revolution. Now, the old wagon factory, far out of date, is run by a grandson, not as the wise grandsire proposed so carefully, but as a modern garage; nor had the senior JUNG been gone scarcely more than ten years ere these sons clearly sensing eventualities, had transported their activities from wagon making to merchandising, in which they have achieved distinguished success, yet admittedly less than the other brothers have obtained in shoe factoring.

Both these remarkable women are in excellent health and understanding, but both have impaired hearing though ever so slight. Coarse print is read easily without glasses. Two years ago Mrs. JUNG tripped over a chair, fell and fractured a bone in the left leg just above the knee, yet the break knitted completely and the victim, though using a cane, gets about readily and with a limp that is almost imperceptible. In fine, these ladies are in physical and mental state happy from all aspects, and environed by kin devoted and proud.

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