Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Andrew Flaig

Source: 1881 History of Northern WI Chicago: The Western Historical Company A.T. Andreas, Proprietor (grammar as is) Pg. 576

Andrew Flaig, merchant, Colby (now Clark Co.), was born in Germany, Aug. 24, 1852. His parents, on coming to America, located in Wisconsin and went to farming in Sheboygan County, where he remained until 1879, when he came to Marathon County, and took possession of the store which his father had managed previous to his death, which occurred at this time. Besides this business, he is engaged in lumbering, dealing in tanning bark and general merchandise. In 1874, he married Miss Augusta L. Fiebig, of Germany. They have two children, Minnie and August. Mr. Flaig belongs to the Lutheran Church.

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