Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Henry Fischer

Source: "Portrait and Biographical Record - Published 1894 by Excelsior Publishing Co., Chicago" Pages 462 - 463

Henry Fischer, a successful farmer residing on section 26, in the town of Herman, was born in Zeitenrhode, Prussia, Germany, March 5, 1826. His father, Christopher H. Fischer, was a farmer, in a small way of the above town, owning the farm formerly possessed by his parents, who were also natives of that place. To Christopher H. Fischer and wife were born six children, three sons and three daughters: Henry, Theodore, Julius, Eleanora, Theresa and Christina. Of the family but two survive, our subject and his brother Julius. The mother died when in her forty-second year, while the father reached the advanced age of seventy-five years.

When but twenty years of age, Henry Fischer was enrolled as a soldier in his country's service, serving in that capacity four years in the Third Company Infantry. During his service he was stationed at the following places: Wiemar, Hanover, Harburg, Rendsborg, and other towns of Schleswig-Holstein; also in Hamburg, Altenburg and Urlaub. At the last-named place he received his discharge, in 1849, wdiich was one of the happiest periods of his life. Returning to the home from which he had been so long absent, a happy re-union of friends and relatives was enjoyed. On the 12th of May, 1855, he was united in marriage to Miss Augusta Oswald,' a friend and schoolmate of former years. She is a daughter of Christian and Margaret (Denzer) Oswald, and is one of a family of four children, the others being Troutgut, Gustav and Henry. Mrs. Fischer is the youngest, and was born in the same village as her husband.

Mr. and Mrs. Fischer had quite a tiresome voyage to America. The ship "Johanna," on which they sailed, consumed fifty-three days in crossing from Bremen to New York, and for three weeks of that time was shrouded in a dense fog. From New York the family came direct to Sheboygan County, locating on section 16, Mosel Township, where Mr. Fischer bought eighty acres of timbered land. For some twenty years our subject made that town his home. His farm, which was greatly improved, was exchanged for a hotel owned by a Mr. Bast. Some years later he disposed of this property, removed to the town of Herman, and purchased one hundred and sixty-nine acres of Julius, son of old Dr. Bodenstab. He has since added to his farm, until he now owns one hundred and ninety-two and one-half acres, of which only forty acres are now in timber. Mr. Fischer has a fine farm, and is recognized as one of the wealthy men of his township.

Mr. and Mrs. Fischer have been blessed with a large family, who, with one exception, are all living. Caroline is the wife of Frank Smith, a farmer in the town of Sheboygan Falls; Emma became Mrs. Fred Krimp, now a resident of Reedsville, Manitowoc County; Eda wedded Herman Burhop, a farmer of the town of Herman; Wilhelmine became the wife of Christian Kuster, a farmer of the same town; Bertha is the wife of Herman Smith, a farmer in Mosel Township; Anna is the widow of Carl Henning and resides in Reedsville; Herman is a resident of the same place; Amelia is at home; Henry is clerking in Sheboygan; and Otto, Gustav and Julius are yet at home.

Mr. Fischer is a conservative Democrat in his political views, and has served one term as Supervisor in the town of Mosel. He and his household attend the Lutheran Church.

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