Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Otto John Trilling

Source: "Portrait and Biographical Record - Published 1894 by Excelsior Publishing Co., Chicago" Pages 332 - 333

Otto John Trilling, Justice of the Peace, is a native of the city of Sheboygan, and was born on the 26th of January, 1865. He is a son of August and Mary (Sommerspurger) Trilling, who were early settlers of Sheboygan. His father was bora in Westphalia, Germany, October 8, 1840, and emigrated with his parents to America when eleven years of age. He came to Sheboygan in 1852, and has since made that city his home. His wife, the mother of our subject, was born in Bavaria, Germany, and came to America in her youth. She is now deceased. (See sketch of August Trilling.)

Otto John Trilling first attended the Catholic parochial school, and later the city public schools, also taking a special course in Prof. Kimball's Night School. He read law and engaged in practice in justices' courts, also dealt in real estate and did collecting and conveyancing, all of which he has continued to the present time.

Politically, he is a Democrat, and in the spring of 1891 was elected Justice of the Peace. Having served one term in that office, he was re-elected in the spring of 1893, and is now satisfactorily serving his second term. While studying his profession, Mr. Trilling pursued a course of practice in justices' courts, thus acquiring a practical knowledge, while reading for a fuller understanding of the theory and fundamental principles of law. Possessed of good judgment, his rulings in court are generally acceptable, and his decisions seldom reversed. As a result, Mr. Trilling has gained popularity in the line of his calling, both with his fellow-townsmen and with the Bar. Socially, he is connected with the Catholic Order of Foresters.

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